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Signalstar said:
d21lewis said:

Some sketchy looking characters are working on my bathroom.  Gettin a new bath tub and shower put in.  I pretty much expect them to break into my house and rob me in the next couple of weeks......

I would expect your house to be a fortress considering your job. 

Also, go watch Crash.

I own/love Crash--but I'll watch it again......

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I'm just about half way through with what should be a 10 page paper due tomorrow.

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

I am so glad Nintendo's E3 is on the 7th. We're going on our vacations at Cape Verde on the 9th! Phew that was close! ^^'

What an epic failure of a day to make my horrid week even worse.

So I head to school at about 10:30 AM so I can start studying for my Accounting final I have today at 3:45.  After studying/doing some homework problems for about 4 1/2 hours, it is finally 3:00.  I'm starting to get hungry, so I grab something to eat, then I head over to the place our final is supposed to be.  Surprise surprise, there is absolutely nobody there.  I'm slightly starting to freak out, wondering what the hell is going on, and why my final isn't when the finals schedule says it is supposed to be.  Before getting too worried, I check our normal classroom to make sure it isn't there either.  Nope, not there.  By 3:40, I'm freaking the hell out, wondering what is possibly going to happen if I am late to or miss my final exam.  So I go ask the front desk girl in the dean's office about it.  She looks up a finals schedule.  APPARENTLY, Accounting 291 thinks they are special.  Rather than having it in the normal time block that all other MWF 3:00 classes have their finals, they think they are special and have their own time block tomorrow at 10:15.

This wouldn't be that bad, but that is 2 1/2 less hours I have tomorrow to study for my final on Friday.  To make up for that time, I'm probably going to have to skip my first week of the golf league I do with my dad, which is rather upsetting.

I swear to god, this is the worst week of my life.

Edit: And now, of all the fricking things to happen, my mouse will not stop flashing repeatedly on my screen, and I don't know what the hell is happening.

/end rant

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Writing another paper due tomorrow ugh!

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

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I have much to be grateful for, yet all i can focus on is who's screwed me over and what opportunities i've missed because of that, which has made me persistently grouchy

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I'm kind of missing the PSN right now. 

oldschoolfool said:

I'm kind of missing the PSN right now. 

Didn't they say it was supposed to be back at the end of this week?  Wtf, I wanna play MK online :(

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

So you guys finally chased Trashleg away?