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Disrarge said:

Wessle has rejoined vgchartz on one of his alts and isn't being banned(thanks mods)

Wessle stopped using alts and is being a real person now. Please let Wessle stay.


  • Are you still addicted to hard drugs?
  • Do you still think you're a ninja/shaolin monk?
  • Will you continue to make up ridiculous and uncomfortable stories?
  • If you answered yes to all three, please stay. We've been missing you

    (Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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    Well just found out how much of a prick one of my "friends" is, thanks for inviting everyone to the party except for me and another friend and his girlfriend, I quote "We're only allowed 7 people, so I've invited a bunch of random other people instead of you guys". Thanks alot, can't wait to disappear off to uni so I won't actually have to talk to this ignorant prat any longer, and only arrange meetings with the guys that I do like and just skip the dumbass parties that they do end up going to :/. Some people just piss me off so much, it's unbelieveable.

    Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

    trasharmdsister12 said:
    d21lewis said:

    The ending of All Star Superman just made my kid cry.

    I really want to see that. Maybe I'll get to it this weekend. What did you think of it?

    Goddam, this site has been loading slowly today.  All I could do was browse one thread every five minutes (or longer) with my Droid.  Couldn't reply to anything, either. This was the only site that was like that.

    Anyway, All Star Superman started off pretty hokey.  I own the first few issues of the comic and it was pretty faithful to them--which was corny.  Before long, it suddenly became very engaging.  There's a few things in there that are culled from comics (like Solaris, the Bottled City of Kandor, Superwoman) that will make some people scratch their heads but it's all part of the Superman history.  As for the ending--I never saw it coming.  Great stuff.  I want to go back and buy the complete 12 issue series, now.

    trasharmdsister12 said:

    Oh man... I got my two other midterm marks. The course I've been killing myself over all term was freaking me out. I recall not answering 1.25 full questions on it (there were 3 questions). I got 100%! *eyes wide open in shock*... He must've made the exam out of half of what it was supposed to and bell curved like hell. I think he normalized all the marks going from highest mark in the class as I'm the only one who got 100. This takes a huge weight off my chest and I have a renewed sense of determination to get through this term.

    The other midterm... haha. I got 67%. It's the course I've been the least worried about all term and I studied a day for it. Not bad. Now I can focus on it more since I only need like 25% on each of the other two finals to pass those courses.

    Thanks for listening to my rants the last few days.

    All Hail the Hypno-toad.

    Congratulations man! Hopefully you'll get the highest marks at the end of the year! :D

    Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.

    Well, i'm attempting to reverse my sleep habits so it's 3:48 A.M and i'm rather bored. I've posted more in the past couple of minutes than I have the past couple weeks. (which isn't very much mind you.)

    Also d21lewis thanks for the the superman review, I was considering buying the blu ray so I guess I will.

    Around the Network

    Dude, okay I ate WAY too much today...D:

    *will probably eat a snack later XD*

    We're going to try getting my visa on monday, we got an appointment... Hopefully it goes well and my application is accepted.

    Then after that we will look for vacations for June, book some holidays. Greece probably (mmm Greek food).

    I've been feeling so tired lately and I'm having a small but persistant headache. Perhaps I need to spend less time staring at this screen.

    Finally, got mulah and can buy games again that was killing me. Buying Dead Space 2, Killzone 3, and Heavy Rain.

    Now I just need to get internet again and stop "borrowing" it from the neighbor so I can play online. :)

    lolita said:

    We're going to try getting my visa on monday, we got an appointment... Hopefully it goes well and my application is accepted.

    Then after that we will look for vacations for June, book some holidays. Greece probably (mmm Greek food).

    I've been feeling so tired lately and I'm having a small but persistant headache. Perhaps I need to spend less time staring at this screen.

    Maybe you need glasses

    Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

    I'm going to Florida today!!!

    Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.