mantlepiecek said: I am thinking about how I never posted in this thread. |
until now?
mantlepiecek said: I am thinking about how I never posted in this thread. |
until now?
d21lewis said:
That's comic book character hot! |
yaaaaaaaaay! :3
My step sister's are too hot. And now I have to live with them for 3 weeks. This could be interesting.
Uhhh, choco? Maybe you shouldn't think about relatives in that context, regardless of how you ended up related. I mean, you do realize that by simply thinking about your stepsisters as being hotties, rather than just being your sisters, you are setting yourself up for big time trouble, am I right?
My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754
Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272
And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559
PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!
allaboutthegames885 said: Uhhh, choco? Maybe you shouldn't think about relatives in that context, regardless of how you ended up related. I mean, you do realize that by simply thinking about your stepsisters as being hotties, rather than just being your sisters, you are setting yourself up for big time trouble, am I right? |
No because my step dad told me he wishes I would marry one of his daughters and I am dumping my girlfrind and moving to Denver. Anyways, you cann't help mutual attraction and I do not share their DNA. But, seriously though I'll probably just find another girl.
My daughter has been in the hospital since Monday morning. I got off work that day and I've pretty much spent the entire week by her bedside (thank you Droid phone for preserving my sanity!). It's nothing too major, just dehydration from having a bad cold/nausea. She's in good spirits and I expect her to be home playing by tomorrow evening.
Looking forwsrd to the third night of trying to sleep on the most uncomfortable chair, ever. And as an added plus, my GF made me go to the furniture store to pay her bill. While I was there, the salesman FORCED me (okay, he didn't have to try too hard) to buy a 46' Toshiba LED HDTV with net access and everything! I am back at the hospital and the TV is in the trunk of my Cherokee. I am DYING to go home and hook it up. It's gonna be a huge step up from my old 2007 LCD TV. Gotta stay by my kid's side, though. My presence means a lot to her.
LED TV!! Can't wait to fire it up!!
If I go outside in the morning and that thing is stolen, I will cry like a baby.
Hunting for minimum wage jobs is depressing as hell. It's like if i can't succeed in getting a job at Subway, why am i going to college to try for jobs that are a lot harder to get?
Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.
d21lewis said: If I go outside in the morning and that thing is stolen, I will cry like a baby. |
lol why would it be stolen?
Elu said: I'm thinking I wish cancer did not exist. |
I wish that too since my mom was recently diagnosed with it.
Currently in my mind: I need to get that liquor cabinet done soon