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Forums - Sony Discussion - Yakuza 3 - IGN Hands-on

I'll post some interesting tid-bits, but I can recommend reading the whole thing

"...Following the cinema scene, the game switches into battle mode. Your task is to work with your two buddies to defeat the entire lot of yakuza scum. This is not an easy task, because one of the guys midway through the fight gets enraged at the fact that he's losing and pulls out a sword. Thankfully, you've got the entire Stardust, both lower and upper lounge areas, to use as your battle ground, and can also pick up all varieties of furniture from the ground to use as weapons.


One of the nice features of the Yakuza 3 battle system that wasn't in the original Yakuza is the ability to assign weapons to d-pad hot keys. This allows you to switch between weapons with just a button press. The demo started Kiryu off with a nunchaku, longbow and blade knuckles, each bringing about a different feel to the fight.


While the city will be familar to players of the first two games (the third, Kenzan, took place during the Edo Era, so Kamiyacho was, of course, nowhere to be found), there are some obvious improvements. The buildings are more detailed, and the streets are flooded with people at times -- so many people that you'll have to push your way to get through.


There's plenty to the yakuza experience that, while not getting to try out for ourselves, we saw other players sample. In typical Yakuza style, the game has a number of mini-games, including golf, arcade games, and a rhythm-based karaoke game complete with actual voiced songs. We saw one player sampling an arcade game that looked like a 2.5D shooter.


Also catching our attention was Kiryu's method of learning moves. As with Kenzan, Kiryu will be able to learn moves by watching closely as things happen around him. In the demo, a young girl was grabbed from behind by a thug. She let out a huge scream, but then took care of the wretch on her own, tossing him over, then kicking him. As she performs these moves, you're prompted to make "quick timer" style inputs. Perform these successfully, and Kiryu will learn the girl's moves for use in a future fight."


I want a western release of this game, it looks really cool!

Around the Network

The lack of attention for the game is disturbing...
Personally, I'm very interested in it, and don't worry about it getting to the west. It surely will.

Its gonna be a long and dry wait for a western release of this game. Possibly another year and at the very least Q4 this year. If you are a big fan and don't mind language barrier, try importing this. I'll probably do that if I can find a guide...

Xen said:
The lack of attention for the game is disturbing...
Personally, I'm very interested in it, and don't worry about it getting to the west. It surely will.

Not really... I mean.... Yakuza 2 released in the US 15 months after it released in the US.

So... people will wait to pay attention until it gets a US or EU date.

Heck Kenzan hasn't even been released in the US yet.

How it is as a game isn't really important yet.  All that it matters is how it will effect the market.


Yea, it's interesting to see how the game is received, but it will be a long time before the US sees it.

Around the Network

Has Ign usually previewed Japan only games?
If not this could be coming here!



Take my love, take my land..

Oh it better be coming.

I'm so tempted to get Yakuza 1/2.

I was playing teh first at my store a few weeks back...

"Hey! He touched my ass!"


Such a funny game.

Simulacrum said:
Has Ign usually previewed Japan only games?
If not this could be coming here!


They have privewied japanese only games before.

Still it will come the US.  It will just take like over a year.

Xen said:
The lack of attention for the game is disturbing...
Personally, I'm very interested in it, and don't worry about it getting to the west. It surely will.

If Yakuza 3 isn't getting that much attention in the West, then I'm shocked.  I thought Western gamers liked realism and games that push the boundaries of their respective consoles.  Yakuza 3 is full of realism and system pushing graphics.