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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit vs. Halo 3

Does conduit support 4 player split screen?

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Its not too far fetched to say there will be more regular players of Halo 3 multi-player than LTD sales of the Conduit.

Really, is this all a stupid comparison. You do know that Halo 3 is lauded for more than multi-player, they've won awards for their AI etc as well. A great developer can make a great looking and playing game, and Bungie is one of those developers, one of the best at that.


windbane said:
Griffin said:
kowenicki said:
@ griffin..

are you on drugs?

best looking 360 game.... nowhere near.

Bioshock, COD4, Gears 1 and Gears 2. etc etc etc..

but yes it is better looking than that rather scummy video shows.

I cant understand why any of the wii supporters here would want to enter into a debate about graphics... its one arguement they just cant win and never will.

Are you on drugs, those game don't hold anything on halo. Two images were even posted on the first page and they easily beat those games.


so you are going to stand by the claim that Halo 3 looks better than Gears 2?


Yes i am.

There are two vids comparing The Conduit and Halo 2, there really is no comparison there.

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.

kowenicki said:

@ griffin

So you are seriously saying Halo 3 looks better then Gears of war, Gears of war2, Bioshock and COD4/WAW???

Trust me I LOVE the Halo series.... I nearly pissed my pants the first time I saw the Halo 3 trailer... but you are just wrong on this.

Halo 3 is like a wife that cooks, cleans, washes your laundry and gives you foot rubs. Plus she looks pretty good to boot.

Where those other games don't do any of that but look like supermodels.

What other game gives you 4 player split screen, lets you record movies of your games and edit them in to clips and send them to freinds, gives you the option to design your own maps and send them to freinds, what game has constant(almost monthly) updates in raking system levels and play lists...etc.

Bungie spent 30 million on halo 3...they could have easily made it look jaw dropping. But then you'd have no co-op and none of those features.

Instead they spent that money to make it fun, functional, and best looking it can be.

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I'm surprised at how close both games are. i have to give the conduit some respect. i guess that's the wii at it's finest.

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Wow The Conduit looks terrible and the gameplay looks like shit. This game will bomb hard, really hard. Wii fans stick with comparison that make sense like We Cheer and some new Bratz game but don't compare any HD game on the 360 or PS3 to anything on the Wii because HD games will always win no matter how good the games are.

Halo 3 isn't really in HD in that video plus its in low quality and still blows The Conduit away. The Wii was never a power house for graphics in the first place and it never will. Wii fans deal with it. Your games will always look bad.

GamerTag/PSN ID JoshmyersBV (please add me I have 2 friends on Xbox Live)

Here's a video review of Halo 3 with lots of in-game footage...


If anyone thinks The Conduit will look as good as Halo 3 they should take a reality check.

Oh and after all the hype I can't wait for The Conduit to be released...


Daileon said:

TheTruthHurts! said:

review wise (94% metacritic) [Regarding Halo3's review average]


Without the same hype it's impossible.


          OK Daileon, I'll bite. 

          So if the 94% metacritic high average is assigned to Halo 3 strictly due to the hype of the game, what base (%)deduction do you personally assign to a "hyped" game so that I may apply/re-apply them to all on the "hyped" games on the below list (mind you this list is not even remotely complete)........

          Super Smash Brother Brawl, MGS4, GTAIV, Halo3, Gears 2, KZ2, RFOM2, LBP, WKC, not to mention the upcoming "hyped" titles that include.......oh.....what's that.........THE CONDUIT!   

           You act like I am bashing the Wii (I own and love), instead, I consider it more defending an awesome game like Halo 3 (I own and love).  Dont pull the "games are not nearly as good due to hype" card, unless you plan on applying that same disposition to ALL titles in the hype category.  Otherwise you will quickly alienate a growing list of awesome games that include Wii titles. 


Well controls-wise, the Conduit totally blows Halo 3 out of the water. It's no contest, really.
Graphics-wise, wel d'oh, of course Halo 3 looks better. Would be the saddest game in history if it looked worse. :p

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