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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Conduit vs. Halo 3

TheTruthHurts! said:
On a personal note, and this is just my opinion. I dont think the Conduit will come even close to Halo 3 hype wise. 94% Metacritic average, almost 10mil in sales



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Oh please don't post any You Tube video comparisons. They are useless.

And LOOOOOL to the people who think Halo 3 looks bad. It has unbelievable light effects (talking about High-Dynamic Range Rendering)

Two of my favourite pics:

I think people tend to be too harsh towards Halo, in terms of graphics. It works on a scale that most First Person Shooters don't even attempt.

Daileon said:
TheTruthHurts! said:
On a personal note, and this is just my opinion. I dont think the Conduit will come even close to Halo 3 hype wise. 94% Metacritic average, almost 10mil in sales



    No....I was correct regarding my stated opinion (see underlined above) the first time I posted it, that is why it is called an opinion.  I will reiterate.  Personally, when it is all said and done, the Conduit will not even come close to Halo 3, Hype wise (you happy), quality wise, review wise (94% metacritic), multi-player wise, heck......going out on a limb here, but probably even sales wise (almost 10mil sold) even with the amount of Wii's on the market.  When a game like Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (awesome game) is sitting at 1.4mil sold, I doubt the Conduit will top10mil.  I own a Wii, but I consider myself realistic....:)


sometimes the truth does indeed hurt

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well I never been into graphics but in this video The Conduit clearly looks better, but that doesn't matter because the game is gonna be great anyways no need to compare!

If the Conduit had better gfx than Halo 3 that would have been the laugh of the century because die-hard Sony and MS fans would be at a magnificent loss.

Sure the Conduit doesn't look as good as the H3 single player campaign mode but it still is looking to be the best fps for the Wii, and that's how people should look at it. The only feature that is worth comparing would be controls, but that's just unfair for the competition at this point however.

If i lose access to this profile as well....I'm done with this site.....You've been warned!!.....whoever you are...

Happy Wii60 user. Me and my family are a perfect example of where hardcore meets casual and together mutate into something awesome.

lol...hillarious, they chose the grayest level in Halo 3 MP and then they added a gray filter on top.

Also the halo video is lower res than conduit.

In any case, I'll try Conduit when it comes out and if its 1/4 as fun as halo 3, it will be a success.

graphics comparison with a crap youtube video...yes many educated discussions are to be had here...proceed.

Ari_Gold said:
this is why i hate fanboys


I'm confused. (\0[]0)/

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