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Forums - Sony Discussion - Home Made Over 1 Million Dollars So Far

wow, I did not expect for anyone to actually pay for that stuff that they were selling in home....

anyways, it looks like things have worked out pretty good so far for Home, I wonder how much sony spent on R&D


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The majority of the cash probably came in during the first week.

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I'm sure they spent allot more than they have gotten back but its like free advertisment for them.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

I agree with the 2 posts above me

That's from a month ago, they're probably made more than that by now. I'm glad people are foolish enough to buy virtual furniture, as long as Sony use that money to improve PSN.


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1 million from Home... Big deal...

Think of the millions made by Microsoft in Xbox Live.

Sorry, but 1 million is nothing in this economic crisis.

Sony should make us pay for PSN.
The Microsoft Live structure on Xbox is a real success, Sony should build from that.


My Gaming Setup

Bullet100000 said:
I'm sure they spent allot more than they have gotten back but its like free advertisment for them.


If they spent a lot of money how can it be free advertising?


Nice score, I hope they will add more places to Home so we can do more things :)

Doesn't Blizzard pull in over a billon dollars a month just from WoW? Put that into perspective.

yeah but Wow is a actual game. home is just nothing o_0