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Forums - General Discussion - luckily unlucky?!

I was born on Friday the 13th and I came out normal....sort of. lol

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


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Superstition is superstitious.

Elite1 said:
I was born on Friday the 13th and I came out normal....sort of. lol

lmfao! that's great!


Galaki said:
Superstition is superstitious.


long cat is long.

markers said:
izaaz101 said:
An interesting occurrence. I wonder what's the record for Friday the 13th's? And is this hinting at a new Friday the 13th movie?


no clue and yes there is a new friday the 13th movie coming out coincidently its coming out on friday the 13th lol (the first of the 3 this year, which is feburary)


yeah its the remake of the 1st 1 i hope its good i made a thread called movies of 09 last sunday i had the one in it and there's also a new fast and furious movie coming out that looks good it has most of the cast from the 1st one heres the original thread it also has some other horror movies in it

I consider 3 and 13 to be lucky


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