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Forums - General Discussion - Irish Internet

Dallinor said:
blazinhead89 said:
Dallinor said:
blazinhead89 said:
Yes Eircom suck. It happens to me too. (Yes Dallinor, Donegal has Broadband :p )

Last time I was in Donegal, people were still using these:


How Old are you? 80? 90? xD

I was there last summer! (Killybegs) I was just surprised you guys had invented the wheel.

And I hope for the clans sake you have broadband in Donegal, can't have my officers lagging to pieces!

Don't Worry, Im 2 megabits a second. Will prob upgrade to 7 soon ;)

Around the Network
Dogs Rule said:
Actually, my wireless comment was about the phone ,as in getting good quality DECT cordless phones in your home (I'm not talking cell phone). That way if you rewire your system you can make it as simple as possible: a 2 way splitter jack and a 15 meter jack and wire assembly. Plug the splitter in the phone company's jack (you might have to have them install one if your current phone system just has wires connected to each other instead of a jack) Then you plug your 15 meter assembly into the splitter and put its jack where you want your phone to be (but you'll also have up to 6 handsets positioned in the house).). Then you plug your modem into the 2nd hole of the splitter with as short and new a wire as you have. That way all your wires are as short and new as possible.

Although you probably will need a wireless router, since it might not be convenient to have all your stuff close to where your new modem location will be.


All the phones have been changed to cordless but their bases are still hooked up to the old existing phone line points around the house, splitters on all of them. And I moved the wireless modem to a phone point in the middle of the house but the house is kind of long so I'm losing coverage in areas, a second router would do the job fine giving me a nice big network (good also for the WLAN) so everythin will be hooked up : ) pc, laptop, ps3, psp, internet radio.

That's the thing about DECT phones: only one base station needs to be plugged into the phone system, so you can really simplify your home wirering.

Basically though, check to see if you have the green oxidation on the wires in the jack and if so, go to a hardware store and ask for advice.

I can't check your profile while safeguarding what I have wrote so far, so I don't know what you do for a living, but I am functionally retarded when it comes to do-it yourself renovations and I did the rewiring in an afternoon. Afterward I felt great about my work and my internet worked great ever since, so consider it. :)

Will do, lots of stuff is changing around in my gaf. I'll add the wires to the list : ) Thanks for the help : ) go raibh maith agat ☺

I'm sorry broadband isn't very reliable when you live on an island. A friend of mine had the most unreliable internet and he lived on an island too.

I blame Wii Fit.