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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will PS3 outsell Xbox360 next month?

Without the advertising, it wouldn't have a chance - Killzone simply is not of the same caliber as Metal Gear, HALO, or GTA. Those most interested in the game are those who already have a PS3. Whether the advertising can drum up interest -enough interest to get 50,000 or so people to drop nearly $500 on a game and console- remains to be seen.

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Mummelmann said:
I don't see why not, NA will be the defining battleground though.
I it manages to outsell it, it won't be by much, perhaps 15-20k units.
Should the European add campaign succeed it might be a hit first week and perhaps carry hardware up into the 250k region (worldwide).


I don't see N. America being the defining battleground. That's like saying Japan is the defining battleground for Halo. EU will definitely be where this game flourishes. It will do well in NA as well, but Europe is worth more than the US and it is Sony's focal point. I do think it will sell better here (US) than in Japan, though. It's a US made game.

I have moved and do not have the internet at home, yet.

@ johnathonmerrit:  It's a Dutch game, so nothing remotely US-made :p

I think it has a good chance of outselling the 360 for at least a week. I'm thinking probably 2 weeks though but we'll see.

I believe it will outsell the 360 for one week - It's launch week. The rest of the month the 360 will win it over all, increasing It's lead another 100k or more units for the month.

It's just that simple.

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it could in february, for the whole year, not at the current price.





No, and Killzone 2 arrives at the end of next month (February), so how the hell is that long enough to move any consoles on Februray? Anyway, KZ2 will probably give PS3 a 40% hardware boost at best which won't be enough to outsell 360 for a single week.

For the whole year? a $300 PS3 could do it, if in time for Black Friday at the latest.

johnathonmerritt said:
Mummelmann said:
I don't see why not, NA will be the defining battleground though.
I it manages to outsell it, it won't be by much, perhaps 15-20k units.
Should the European add campaign succeed it might be a hit first week and perhaps carry hardware up into the 250k region (worldwide).


I don't see N. America being the defining battleground. That's like saying Japan is the defining battleground for Halo. EU will definitely be where this game flourishes. It will do well in NA as well, but Europe is worth more than the US and it is Sony's focal point. I do think it will sell better here (US) than in Japan, though. It's a US made game.

It's also quite convenient that we don't have something similar to NPD or MC , at least for the public , so anyone can claim anything . I can't imagine the amount of bullshit we would have to tolerate from sony fanboys had NPD g stuck to the decision of not providing any numbers to the public .

Well first, they have to overcome there 4 month YOY decreases. Its a uphill climb just to get to normal status. before they even think of overcomming the Xbox which has had a 200% YOY increases WW.

Are there that many people who are just waiting for KZ2 to come out before buying a PS3? I think the game will sell very well to the existing base but I am not so sure it will bring new people to the fold.