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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is there going to be a problem with the Killzone 2 reviews, can we trust?

Onyxmeth said:
BengaBenga said:
As long as we don't see GTAIV type of reviews I don't see any issue.

You mean perfect scores? Yeah I'm pretty sure it's going to get some. Gamepro already gave it 5/5.

Regarding the greater topic, yeah maybe it's corrupt, or they're biased, or paid off, or whatever, but it's happened before with a lot of other big games across consoles. It may be wrong, but at least it's consistent.


A 5/5 from gamepro is a lot easier to get than a 10/10 from IGN

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wholikeswood said:
This is the funniest thread I've read in ages.

"Killzone 2 might actually get incredible reviews across the board. What can we do to damage it?"

"Let's say that there's a conspiracy and deride the credibility of reviews."

Some people just can't let a Sony game get its due. If it doesn't sell 10 million on launch, suddenly it's failed to do sufficiently well commercially. If it gets stellar reviews, suddenly we can't trust anyone. It's times like this that VGC becomes so predictable.

Oh wow you've got it in one. Do you wanna see my crusade against KZ2 huh?

Follow the link below, it was the last post I made about KZ2 before this thread. Be warned though its hard reading for anyone who anticipates this game. In fact when people follow this link I expect to be flamed, but meh I don't care.

What I find retarded is that you don't even address me personally. I know you're talking about me, but you don't have it in the sack to call me by my name. Are you a coward? A troll? Hmm I don't care really...


Yay I can write in bold...





Squilliam said:
Hmmm, I guess the best way to get a handle on how good the game is by comparing the sales of the closest rival which is Call of Duty 4 and if sales are lower but reviews are higher then one can call it a manipulated review process. If sales are higher but reviews are lower then the game was likely unfairly treated by critics. Because you see, theres a strong correlation between a high review and high sales between Metacritic and vgchartz.

I concede at this point that it is impossible to know for sure. But the standards for games have increased substantially this generation, what was once a shoe-in for a high score is now moving into also-ran territory.

Sales do not directly correspond to reviews. GTA IV has got the highest reviews this gen but not the highest sales. Also what about differences in marketing, and release time period.

Actually all these magazines do get paid, through advertisements. With all these magazines folding, they have to tread very lightly or risk losing ad revenue. If they start savaging products of their biggest clients, they could put their entire publication in jeopardy. Being generous on the other hand, could put them in good favor with the advertisers.

Slimebeast said:
Squilliam said:
Hmmm, I guess the best way to get a handle on how good the game is by comparing the sales of the closest rival which is Call of Duty 4 and if sales are lower but reviews are higher then one can call it a manipulated review process. If sales are higher but reviews are lower then the game was likely unfairly treated by critics.


 Do you really think one can reason like that?

Yes, as I said a strong correllation. I didn't say one causes the other but in general the causality seems to hold true. On the Xbox 360 there hasn't been a multi-player shooter above 93% Meta which hasn't sold more than 4M copies. Of course there are exceptions but I doubt Sony would not have spent all that money creating this game if they didn't feel it was mass marketable.


Whats the highest selling game on the PS3 to date?

Whats the highest rated game on the PS3 to date?

If the first is the same as the 2nd, then the reviews are somewhat justified.

Metacritic, aside from the arty farty games indicates mass marketability as it shows how a range of people view a product on the HD consoles. On the Wii the review system is borked so I won't go there. But if lots of people like something, theres a good chance you will too, its a law of averages I guess.



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Early reviews are always suspect because for the most part they're not reviewing the final game. The early copies come with a checklist of things that will be changed or "fixed" in the final game, and the reviewer just has to take the publisher's word that it's true. In addition, you usually can't test anything about online play until the game actually launches (in this case they're probably basing it off beta experiences).

Squilliam said:
wholikeswood said:
This is the funniest thread I've read in ages.

"Killzone 2 might actually get incredible reviews across the board. What can we do to damage it?"

"Let's say that there's a conspiracy and deride the credibility of reviews."

Some people just can't let a Sony game get its due. If it doesn't sell 10 million on launch, suddenly it's failed to do sufficiently well commercially. If it gets stellar reviews, suddenly we can't trust anyone. It's times like this that VGC becomes so predictable.

Oh wow you've got it in one. Do you wanna see my crusade against KZ2 huh?

Follow the link below, it was the last post I made about KZ2 before this thread. Be warned though its hard reading for anyone who anticipates this game. In fact when people follow this link I expect to be flamed, but meh I don't care.

What I find retarded is that you don't even address me personally. I know you're talking about me, but you don't have it in the sack to call me by my name. Are you a coward? A troll? Hmm I don't care really...


Yay I can write in bold...




good post on the link


DKII said:
Early reviews are always suspect because for the most part they're not reviewing the final game. The early copies come with a checklist of things that will be changed or "fixed" in the final game, and the reviewer just has to take the publisher's word that it's true. In addition, you usually can't test anything about online play until the game actually launches (in this case they're probably basing it off beta experiences).

Certainly OPM UK does a separate online review, and they were the first ones to do so, so I am not sure whether or not these other places do as well

lol why is everyone bickering about the possible reviews killzone will get?

game is looking brilliant, although as with every game its not 100% perfect, but what is there its looking to be a showpiece game. i will have it on day one.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I have to say that my trust in reviews is at an all-time low, after the GTA4 episode. Reviewers are either getting paid or getting affected by hype too much.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957