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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is there going to be a problem with the Killzone 2 reviews, can we trust?

It's all bs... don't trust any reviewer who doesn't share you personal views on games... I've got a couple guys on gamespot and Kotaku that I always trust, but those IGN bastards are dirty rats(and that's compaired ot gamespot... even though it was Cnet who fucked that guy over)... that you people trust those fucks is unbelievable... to live in a delusion that grand... it blows my fucking mind.

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I can't believe the fact that some reviews have come out early means that they must be paid by Sony. OPM UK have an exclusive review of Resi 5 next month, and if that is positive does that mean they have been paid by Capcom?

Why can't people accept that this is going to be a great game?

CGI-Quality said:
@ Garnett

You have to be kidding me, you assumed Sony was paying for these reviews so I suggest YOU not go there. As far as LBP is concerned, it's a very similar situation. It was nitpicked all to hell and look at it, an INCREDIBLE title! And what source do you claim is not credible? y, because they're supposedly "Sony biased"? You make assumptions too often.

Yes i was kidding,im just showing up stupid people sound when they say it.




CGI-Quality said:
@ Garnett

My apologies, carry on :)

Hehe Iv been saying KZ2 will be huge

in metacritic

cause its gonna be awesome i cant wait for it!

Nothing to worry about in a sense. Leaks, etc. are going to become common with big titles, particularly when they are seen as flagship titles.

Also, given we've had a few early good reviews and an early bad review there is no evidence of any manipulation I can see. PS3 mags get first dibs often - funnily enough so do 360 mags.

As the videogame industry continues to grow you'll also see more opinions popping up in more funny places - I mean Maxim! But that's just like you can look to very established film review sources, or pickup a TV listings magazine and find they've thrown in a few words on The Reader.

It just means those who are interested in reviews are going to have to get used to considering the source, getting a feel for its understanding of games, objectivity, etc. and apply that to how they consider the review.

For films there are reviews I read where I adjust down, up or ignore simply because I know the source and how my own views/preferences stack up vs it.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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I'm a freelnce video game journalist and also write for the video game site We got the Killzone 2 review code just before New Years Eve and the embargo for the review in printed media was January 5th and for online media it is on February 2nd. So I think it's safe to say that everyone, regardless of their score, have had plenty of time to play and review Killzone 2 on their on terms.

So I don't think that Sony is manipulating anyone :)

numonex said:
... they are shrills of the video game business ...

"I do not think this word means what you think it means."


Killzone 2 is going to be epic trust me.

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

In general, all big games try to manipulate the review process. I don't see the Killzone reviews as being any differnet than any other big game release, regardless of platform.

It seems like this thread is just a placeholder for the people that love and hate Killzone to come together and say the same crap they have been saying in every other Killzone thread.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Cueil said:
It's all bs... don't trust any reviewer who doesn't share you personal views on games... I've got a couple guys on gamespot and Kotaku that I always trust, but those IGN bastards are dirty rats(and that's compaired ot gamespot... even though it was Cnet who fucked that guy over)... that you people trust those fucks is unbelievable... to live in a delusion that grand... it blows my fucking mind.


I think people get a little too worked up about game reviewers.