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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is there going to be a problem with the Killzone 2 reviews, can we trust?

numonex said:
Sony magazines should be ignored because they are shrills of the video game business just like pro Microsoft and pro Nintendo magazines are dubious reviewers due to their bias reviews. GamePro are another dubious source because they are Sony biased.
Wait for Gametrailers, IGN and a host of more reliable reviewers before getting a fairer reflection of the game.


Really? so what would you say about PSM's low score of Warhawk and Haze? should we just disregard that and just say Haze is great because it got a bad review from PSM?

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bla bla bla bla bla............bull crap

The review embargo ends start of Feburary - I think the 2nd, almost a month before the release of the game and even the review copies sent out weren't even the final build of the game. After the 2nd of Feburary we'll see the 'reliable' reviews such as IGN etc.

However, the problem with your accusation that Sony is manipulating the review process is that IF IGN gives the game a glowing review then your theory is voided. To imply that only favourable reviews are being allowed to be published by Sony when it's likely that the few reviews we do have equate to 1% of total reviews that will eventually emerge suggests that you want the game to fail. And no doubt when the game gets a metacritic rating of 90 +, and IGN along with other credible review sites give the game 9 + you will no doubt resort to less credible reviews such as maxim to maintain your point that killzone 2 fails. The funny thing is, the longer this goes on (people finding excuses for the game getting a good rating) the more it reeks of desperation and the more absurd the excuses will become.

cura said:

The review embargo ends start of Feburary - I think the 2nd, almost a month before the release of the game and even the review copies sent out weren't even the final build of the game. After the 2nd of Feburary we'll see the 'reliable' reviews such as IGN etc.

However, the problem with your accusation that Sony is manipulating the review process is that IF IGN gives the game a glowing review then your theory is voided. To imply that only favourable reviews are being allowed to be published by Sony when it's likely that the few reviews we do have equate to 1% of total reviews that will eventually emerge suggests that you want the game to fail. And no doubt when the game gets a metacritic rating of 90 +, and IGN along with other credible review sites give the game 9 + you will no doubt resort to less credible reviews such as maxim to maintain your point that killzone 2 fails. The funny thing is, the longer this goes on (people finding excuses for the game getting a good rating) the more it reeks of desperation and the more absurd the excuses will become.

one thing we need to remember is that sony can't do anything about the magazines. magazines go out before the end of month to be at the subscriber's house by the time new month begins. 


MEgamers(website only,,,not magazine) gave the game a 9.9,,sony immediately asked them to remove it and wait till feb 2nd,,,, they cold just let them leave the review to get more positive reaction for the game but Sony asked them to removed it for now and they did.





NO favourable review for Killzone 2 is to be trusted because that can only mean one of three things:

1. the reviewer is biased
2. the source is not credible
3. Sony paid them

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but when maxim(porn magazine) writes a 3 sentence review(giving it a 7,)it becomes the most trust able and honest review looool.

I can post the comments from that thread were people saying "i knew the game was gonna flop,,maxim agrees" or "maxim represents the non biased media ,,,if they say it's a seven ,the game is a flop"




Lets say we all trust these Kill Zone 2 reviews. Kill Zone 2 has not been overhyped and the game reviewers are only giving the game attention to promote a new upcoming PS3 exclusive game.

Kill Zone 2 may get the AAA reviews but will it not be a PS3 hardware seller due primarily to the fact PS3 owners already bought their PS3 to play other PS3 shooters: such as COD4 & 5, Resistance 1 & 2, etc. The non B/C 80GB PS3 will still be at the high price of $399 for a console. Big deal the Kill Zone 2 game is bundled in for free for a limited time it will not move many PS3 consoles.


I agree,no game will be PS3 seller i m afraid at this point,,,,PS3 is just too expensive,,,a price cut with mixture of these games will become system seller.





your right about that

but the end result is we get an amazing game.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


the review copies went out around December 15,,,on neogaf reviewers posted pics of review copy of KZ2 on December 21