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The review embargo ends start of Feburary - I think the 2nd, almost a month before the release of the game and even the review copies sent out weren't even the final build of the game. After the 2nd of Feburary we'll see the 'reliable' reviews such as IGN etc.

However, the problem with your accusation that Sony is manipulating the review process is that IF IGN gives the game a glowing review then your theory is voided. To imply that only favourable reviews are being allowed to be published by Sony when it's likely that the few reviews we do have equate to 1% of total reviews that will eventually emerge suggests that you want the game to fail. And no doubt when the game gets a metacritic rating of 90 +, and IGN along with other credible review sites give the game 9 + you will no doubt resort to less credible reviews such as maxim to maintain your point that killzone 2 fails. The funny thing is, the longer this goes on (people finding excuses for the game getting a good rating) the more it reeks of desperation and the more absurd the excuses will become.