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Forums - Sales Discussion - Hirai: Xbox "lacks longevity" and Wii doesn't count so PS3 will win.

Ok, you're side discussion about Gears 3 is off topic, and you guys need to learn to edit down quote responses. BTFeathers if I see this stupid Gears 3 argument again, I'm going to give you a ban. Enough already, considered yourself warned.

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Mr.Y said:
steverhcp02 said:
folks, you can call it denial but the reason the Wii is selling like this is because its different.....the general public, my grandparents and my aunts and uncles, my coworkers and fellow students dont view it as a videogame system in the traditional sense...

I agree. Look at the top 10 software units for the Wii and you will see that none of them are even games.


I'm guessing in your mind to qualify as a game there needs to be guns, space marines and aliens because that's about the only way you can justify your claim about the top 10 Wii games.


Signature goes here!

Well that so sad. Of course we won't expect to accept defeat, but damn, they should keep their feet on the ground!

shams said:
"WIN" = post massive losses, and go into bankruptcy?

Yeah, right - go Sony!



Microsoft ''WIN'' - 5 billions lost on enitre Xbox family and 1 billion lost on RROD and lack of good exclusives in next years. Sony MADE MUCH MORE on PlayStation family than Microsoft on Xbox family.

Snake said:
shams said:
"WIN" = post massive losses, and go into bankruptcy?

Yeah, right - go Sony!



Microsoft ''WIN'' - 5 billions lost on enitre Xbox family and 1 billion lost on RROD and lack of good exclusives in next years. Sony MADE MUCH MORE on PlayStation family than Microsoft on Xbox family.



Perhaps, but I'm willing to bet that Sony lost more on just the PS3 than MS has with the "Xbox Family".

Around the Network
Snake said:
shams said:
"WIN" = post massive losses, and go into bankruptcy?

Yeah, right - go Sony!



Microsoft ''WIN'' - 5 billions lost on enitre Xbox family and 1 billion lost on RROD and lack of good exclusives in next years. Sony MADE MUCH MORE on PlayStation family than Microsoft on Xbox family.


If Sony post more losses those profits are in risk of getting wiped out.

Snake said:
shams said:
"WIN" = post massive losses, and go into bankruptcy?

Yeah, right - go Sony!

Microsoft ''WIN'' - 5 billions lost on enitre Xbox family and 1 billion lost on RROD and lack of good exclusives in next years. Sony MADE MUCH MORE on PlayStation family than Microsoft on Xbox family.

What I want to know is why the Xbox is suddenly the measuring stick of success here.

Nintendo "WIN" = outselling both competitors combined and posting profits that makes companies ten times its size blush.

bardicverse said:
Pristine20 said:
bardicverse said:
Pristine20 said:
Seriously, did you guys expect Kaz to come out and say "I agree with all the game journalists, ps3 is doomed" or "ps3 is in last place and it's future looks bleak"? Is that what you would've said if you were in his shoes? I guess that's why he is CEO and chances are that you could never get to that kind of position.


Something a little more intelligent and less 4th grade would be nice from the head of a company. Maybe even something a little humble, like "Our past direction may not have headed where we would have liked, but we have new visions for our direction, bringing the Playstation brand into a more favorable position"

Hell, they should hire me as their spokesperson.

From the look of things, humility = concession in this industry. I don't think you'd want to admit to future game console purchasers that you've conceeded especially when you're currently last. The rest of the idea sound vague, the question would then be "exactly what does this doomsday company plan to do?"


Fair point, but in this case, its more of an honor/honesty thing. The industry already knows Sony is struggling. They are already at a point of asking "What does Sony plan to do?" Right now the answer is, cover their ears and ignore the facts. The industry can get behind Sony if they show some actual leadership skills and offer new incentives for both developers and the consumers alike. The denial needs to stop if they want to be taken seriously again.



Since it's already obvious that sony is struggling, chances are that the people behind the scenes (who really count) get the truth. This kind of PR is given to ensure their product keeps selling.

As for the honor/honesty, that only comes into question when you start to equate morality with business practices which in most cases are mutually exclusive.

The incentives for developers would never be exposed to the public so we'll never know. As for the consumers, thats what the game hyping is all about.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Oh sony, you have fallen so hard :(

i guess that's the price of thinking you were invincible and then just fall all the way behind.

They know articles like this are going to prompt arguments, so if they are going to crack down on one side of the argument, they need to crack down on the other too if they want to be objective.

Heavens to Murgatoids.