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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NON Biased, NON Fanboy, PS360 Owners answer me this ..

Squilliam said:
Zucas said:
Squilliam said:
@Zucus the trick is to not take things seriously. My plan is to be a fanboy of all consoles, especially when maximum lulz can be achieved.

I demand you edit: "haha" into your post somewhere. I feel dirty reading it without one.

Yes taking nothing serious is another option. But to achieve the same goal then you have to cause nothing but chaos. Ya know the Joker approach. Although great in theory and entertainment, not so great when dealing with real people.

I always had trouble believing that other people were real, with real thoughts, feelings and desires. I like to blame videogames for that.


Very true.  Although, with the way some people act on these forums they don't deserved to be treated like people anyways.


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naznatips said:
Wii Fanboys: Will hype anything, regardless of how bad it is. Then tell everyone that they are wrong for not liking it (not that they have a different opinion, they will call them flatout wrong). Arrogant, brag a lot. During slow software periods for the Wii they become extremely depressed about their own console also to the point of insulting. They can be hypocritical. Often complaining about stuff like "generic shooters" on other platforms then hyping stuff like The Conduit.

PS3 Fanboys: As has been mentioned, they are generally angry. Angry at others for not buying PS3s, angry at developers for PS3 not getting all the games they feel it should and for games not always being up to par with other platforms. They get both defensive and aggressive, generally against the 360 more than the Wii. Always hyping games not yet out, even to the point of ignoring the great ones that are, sometimes to the point of insulting their own best games (LBP?).

360 Fanboys: Smug, hypocritical. Reviews are the most important thing until you talk about something that didn't get good reviews (like 360 JRPGs), and then they suddenly never mattered. They specialize in the "stealth troll" where they will actually hunt the internet for bad news about systems they don't like. Target the PS3 far more than the Wii. Put hands over ears and sing loudly when PC is mentioned. Favorite words are "console exclusive" and "AAA."

The only ones I generally am able to tolerate are handheld game system and PC fanboys, as they are the only ones with the games to backup their attitudes. However, by definition a fanboy is not "grounded in reality." They are someone who takes love of their console past reality.


Post of the fucking year.

PS3 Fanboys annoy me the most personally. Mainly because of their selective amnesia. They often attack competing companies, Microsoft in particular, for things Sony has done in the past.

They often complain about money hats purchases exclusivity when that is what Sony used to to beat out Nintendo and Sega for the number one position in the industry. Third parties are back stabbing Sony according them. Square Enix is their current target. Because of the events surrounding the most recent Final Fantasy and Star Ocean titles, the fact that both of those titles started on Nintendo consoles seems to be conveniently forgotten.

They complain endlessly about RROD yet forget about that hardware issues were the norm prior to the PS3. The PS1 was plagued by over heating and DRE issues. The DRE issues was more prevalent on the PS2 than the PS1. The PSP had dead pixel and square button issues. Yet according PS3 fanboys, Sony is the bastion of quality.

Their paranoia astounds me as well. Any criticism of Sony is "Sony/PS3 Hate" even when its legitimate. Fanboys saying the PS3 has no games is Sony/PS3 Hate. Fanboys saying that Sony should have fixed that jackass' dirt riddled PS3 is Sony/PS3 Hate. News publications and websites reporting on Sony's financial troubles is not hate.

Solid_Raiden said:
Pristine20 said:
Solid_Raiden said:
I own a PS3, 360, Wii, DS, and PSP but sadly no gamin PC. I will say this now, that I favor the PS3's exclusives as they suite my tastes the best but am also a big fan of Gears of War and Zelda on the other two main consoles. But because I like so many PS3 exclusives I'm not sure if everyone would call me "unbiased" but I think all the systems are equal, it's the games I play and they are the only thing I've ever praised or hated on.

That said, I think all Fanboys are equally rediculous, agravating and plain stupid. My opinion however, is that the PS3 fanboys are the loudest but in general make comments that are quite funny and can't be taken serious and hype their games the most and loudest. Meanwhile I find that the 360 fanboys while not as loud far more often attack other fanboys then hype their games loudly. Wii fanboys just boast because their system is winning.

Because I find them attacking other users the most I personally find the 360 fanboys the most annoying and followed by the PS3 fanboys because I don't mind people hyping there favorite games even if it is loudly (maybe because I'm a big hyper of games myself?) and in last I would say the wii fanboys because they don't attack other users and aren't very loud either.

This is just my opinion by the way.

Nice way to do the same thing you accuse fanboys of doing. Oh, the irony...



 If that's how you want to look at it. Sure. But I think that would go for everyone in this thread going on about which fanboys they find the most agravating. That's what the entire thread is about. At least I didn't descriminate against just one kind of fanboy or attack users for not agreeing with my personal preferences. :P


EDIT: I supose I shouldn't hate terrorists because I'd be doing the same thing they are doing? Even though I wouldn't be an extremist who attempts to force their opinion on others and commits acts of violence.

"Agravating" is a lot different from "hate". I see what you did there. "Hating" someone just for their harmless posting on the internet makes no sense to me. In fact hate is an emotion I think should be avoided at all costs because it would only slow you down. Same goes for the terrorist comment. Many of theose so called "terrorists" are just brainwashed kids who have seen nothing beyond bombs landing in their backyards all their lives. You've had the luxury of growing up/living in a peaceful well-developed nation so you see things more clearly...they haven't


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

they are all the same

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MaxwellGT2000 said:
Pristine20 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

How come I get the feeling most posts in this topic have me in mind.

I'm not a 360 fanboy. I'm a PS3 foeboy, to be sure, but I'm not exactly gonna lie or spin the PS3's situation. If it's grim, then that's how I report it, if it's sunny, same thing.

Frankly, I'm against the PS3 fans mainly because of how they treat fans of other consoles(due to their inferiority complex), and I'm against Sony itself because of the BR move, which promoted another industry at the expense of gamers.

I certainly think that PS3 fans should also be pissed at Sony, but who am I to destroy delusions.

As for gaming, yes, I certainly do know more about the industry and games in general than the vast majority of people here, but that's not too hard to do. Simply don't live under a rock, and remember what you read, and you'll be on an equal playing field with me.

If you don't know who Bioware is, or what their next few games are likely to be, then yes, you deserve to be flamed to hell. Don't blame me for imposing the law.

Overhype is the largest trespass of Sony fans, and I deal with it harshly. If you can handle the consequences, then overhype away, but know that ironically, you are hurting the exclusives you pretend to cherish. Foldor-Kun out.

Once again, you seem to think everyone should have the same opinion as you. Do you even bother to think that some people actually love the ps3 only because of blu-ray? I have a friend who prefers his ps3 to his 360 just because of that...and he has a ton of movies. So this guy is delusional too right?

What infreiority complex are you talking about? Do you know all the people who are ps3 fans or you think it's because their console isn't winning a race that doesn't affect their financials? If anything they should feel superior that they were able to afford a device that the general public can't lol.

As for your overhype claim, the first thing that comes to mind is Killzone 2 and it would seem yahoo games didn't even realize it existed judging by their recent article on 2009's most wanted games so it obviously hasn't been overhyped. Perhaps the fans are just happy to be getting what looks like a top quality game and thus want to talk about it, nothing wrong with that.

In conclusion, ps3 fans rock!!!


Zen isn't speaking of all, in any thread like this it's about general feeling you get from the fans of said company, and the general feeling of PS3 fans is exactly how Zen puts it... Killzone 2 is getting a lot of hype and just because it didn't make it onto a list on a site that basically said PSP was dead, doesn't mean a game is not overhyped, and generally Sony fans are the first to put down any other console getting an exclusive, The Conduit comes to mind when talking about hyped FPS's, I mean The Conduit has basically had internet hype, not many ads put out there or magazines covering it, while KZ2 is plastered everywhere since it was announced, yet as soon as Wii got a cool looking FPS with awesome controls every fanboy broke out the "looks like a generic FPS" but overlook the mechanics so basically judging on graphics, while someone posts KZ2 screens and everyone climaxes in extacy as to how amazing it looks...

@bolded:  Well it's not so much a inferiority complex, but a "superiority complex" as in they think they're better then everyone and everything they have is better and will not listen to anyone else, no pile of facts nor reason seem to get through most of the time.  Remember this is general terms, not every PS3 fan is like that but it is the stereotype, and the thing about stereotypes are that they are generally true...

To not realize a lot of Sony fans, even the ones here (no where near as bad as many other sites), have issues with facing facts, and hold onto what things they can while putting everyone else down, it's happened since PS1 and it's ability to play CDs over N64...


If Zen wasn't speaking of "all", he should've specified by using the term "some". I don't get why you guys hate people hyping a game so much. How does that affect anyone else? If the conduit isn't plastered everywhere, perhaps wii fans don't care about it as much as you think? It's up to them to hype their own game, ps3 fans didn't use up all the hype space.

That whole idea about who thinks he's better than who only applies to the post of the person you just defended and the other people who think their better than someone because they are "fanboys". You should re-read the post you supported and get back to me.

So sony fans since ps1 have had trouble facing facts? Surely you realize that many of the x360 and wii fanboys now had ps1s and were probably fanboys of the console as well. Ps3 only sold 20 mil vs ps1's 100-120mil. It's pretty obvious thatsome must have dropped away from the PS brand since then but oh's when the "BS" they're spouting is pro-sony that it's really bad? Have I summed it up perfectly?

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Maynard_Tool said:
Na na, don't worry. Just.... making sure -.-

It's not that i agree, b/c the site itself has showed me a totally different story. But everyone has the right to his/her own opinion ;)

Everyone is guilty. I laugh when I see Valhalla Knights being hyped. Or MH 3 by people whom never played it or tried it.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Darc Requiem said:

PS3 Fanboys annoy me the most personally. Mainly because of their selective amnesia. They often attack competing companies, Microsoft in particular, for things Sony has done in the past.

They often complain about money hats purchases exclusivity when that is what Sony used to to beat out Nintendo and Sega for the number one position in the industry. Third parties are back stabbing Sony according them. Square Enix is their current target. Because of the events surrounding the most recent Final Fantasy and Star Ocean titles, the fact that both of those titles started on Nintendo consoles seems to be conveniently forgotten.

They complain endlessly about RROD yet forget about that hardware issues were the norm prior to the PS3. The PS1 was plagued by over heating and DRE issues. The DRE issues was more prevalent on the PS2 than the PS1. The PSP had dead pixel and square button issues. Yet according PS3 fanboys, Sony is the bastion of quality.

Their paranoia astounds me as well. Any criticism of Sony is "Sony/PS3 Hate" even when its legitimate. Fanboys saying the PS3 has no games is Sony/PS3 Hate. Fanboys saying that Sony should have fixed that jackass' dirt riddled PS3 is Sony/PS3 Hate. News publications and websites reporting on Sony's financial troubles is not hate.

I have a feeling your in your mid twenty's or older cause ur post is just so true. I just can't believe how anyone could complain about third party 'exclusives' no longer being the case. Tough luck! And I so remember PS2 laser problems. So many faulty PS2's ended up on eBay.

Microsoft fanboys are the wors. they invented console war