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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NON Biased, NON Fanboy, PS360 Owners answer me this ..

Pristine20 said:
Solid_Raiden said:
I own a PS3, 360, Wii, DS, and PSP but sadly no gamin PC. I will say this now, that I favor the PS3's exclusives as they suite my tastes the best but am also a big fan of Gears of War and Zelda on the other two main consoles. But because I like so many PS3 exclusives I'm not sure if everyone would call me "unbiased" but I think all the systems are equal, it's the games I play and they are the only thing I've ever praised or hated on.

That said, I think all Fanboys are equally rediculous, agravating and plain stupid. My opinion however, is that the PS3 fanboys are the loudest but in general make comments that are quite funny and can't be taken serious and hype their games the most and loudest. Meanwhile I find that the 360 fanboys while not as loud far more often attack other fanboys then hype their games loudly. Wii fanboys just boast because their system is winning.

Because I find them attacking other users the most I personally find the 360 fanboys the most annoying and followed by the PS3 fanboys because I don't mind people hyping there favorite games even if it is loudly (maybe because I'm a big hyper of games myself?) and in last I would say the wii fanboys because they don't attack other users and aren't very loud either.

This is just my opinion by the way.

Nice way to do the same thing you accuse fanboys of doing. Oh, the irony...



 If that's how you want to look at it. Sure. But I think that would go for everyone in this thread going on about which fanboys they find the most agravating. That's what the entire thread is about. At least I didn't descriminate against just one kind of fanboy or attack users for not agreeing with my personal preferences. :P


EDIT: I supose I shouldn't hate terrorists because I'd be doing the same thing they are doing? Even though I wouldn't be an extremist who attempts to force their opinion on others and commits acts of violence.

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Around the Network
coolestguyever said:
wii because they're console is winning in sales they think they're so great. Let me ask you this: How good are the games on your console?

The games on my Wii are excellent...



outlawauron said:

Most Nintendo fanboys here are complete elistists. They elevate themselves because they don't like the brown, black, and grey violent HD games. blah blah, etc.


100% agree

It's totally annoying that they try to make you feel like less a of "real/true gamer" because you like nice graphics.



They're really great and I'm having a lot of fun playing them. I hope you're enjoying your games as well.

coolestguyever said:
wii because they're console is winning in sales they think they're so great. Let me ask you this: How good are the games on your console?


Amazing, the best FPS controls hands down, the best rated first party developed title this gen Super Mario Galaxy, and so much fun by yourself and when you go over to your folks' house they all wanna play, so special family moments are made when you play games together much like playing Monopoly with the family.  Oh and when you talk about Wii games to girls they don't start to tune you out for a change.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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Around the Network
coolestguyever said:
wii because they're console is winning in sales they think they're so great. Let me ask you this: How good are the games on your console?

Fine why do you ask?

PS3 fanboys are the worst. Each time I hear something stupid from a PS3 fanboy I buy one less PS3 games. I didn't even buy LBP because all the PS3 fanboys.

bonkers555 said:
PS3 fanboys are the worst. Each time I hear something stupid from a PS3 fanboy I buy one less PS3 games. I didn't even buy LBP because all the PS3 fanboys.


You will get flamed for that, but I can totally relate.


I am going to buy a PS3 and lots of games for it one day, but some days I feel I don't and won't in spite of Sony fanboys ....



I could understand why people would be annoyed at PS3 fanboys, but I usually just laugh at them or ignore them if they're acting up. They don't bother me that much. Wii and 360 fanboys have a much more condescending air about them (due to the success of the two consoles this generation) and that pisses me off more than anything.



Ps3 Fanboys are the worst. I don't notice 360 ones almost at all. And Marioboys can be condescending at times, but I also see them get the same flak over and over.

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