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Forums - Gaming Discussion - OMG! it the next ZELDA!!!!

Looks pretty interesting. Seems like Shigeru wants to really change the way Zelda will be played.

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Naum said:
My oldest brother named his family's dog Zelda

It's not the same as having a girlfriend that likes Zelda games... Those ones are rare, but any dog can be Zelda!!!!!


$10 says that the next Zelda won't be any harder. Having the game solve every puzzle for you would suck. It would be demeaning, demoralizing, and probably force most people to stop playing. Why anyone would suspect an increase in difficulty to come from this is beyond me.

The really funny part is that Zelda hasn't been hard since the NES. Not a one of them was at all difficult to beat. It is a simple matter of using the item you got in the dungeon so solve all the puzzles. The boss of each dungeon was essentially just the final puzzle. The appeal is that the puzzles are fun to solve. If you want a hard game you are just playing the wrong series.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
$10 says that the next Zelda won't be any harder. Having the game solve every puzzle for you would suck. It would be demeaning, demoralizing, and probably force most people to stop playing. Why anyone would suspect an increase in difficulty to come from this is beyond me.

The really funny part is that Zelda hasn't been hard since the NES. Not a one of them was at all difficult to beat. It is a simple matter of using the item you got in the dungeon so solve all the puzzles. The boss of each dungeon was essentially just the final puzzle. The appeal is that the puzzles are fun to solve. If you want a hard game you are just playing the wrong series.

You don't see how them giving you access to solutions would allow them to design puzzles that are almost absurdly hard?


Looks interesting. To give the option of having your hand held through the challenges, but not to rely on developer-made hints, but to instead d/l videos off of a central server of the trailblazers that did it before you

A revolutionary take on the adventure genre, but we'd have to see how it's implemented. Certainly we've all replayed adventure games just to relive that one part of the game that really felt magical, the ability to do so freely might really change it up. You could have a cinematic experience, a pure adventure game, and something in between all in one


Plus they can be as devilish as they wish with puzzles, without having to worry about frustration. And to top it all off, the game won't need a strategy guide!

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Khuutra said:
Gnizmo said:
$10 says that the next Zelda won't be any harder. Having the game solve every puzzle for you would suck. It would be demeaning, demoralizing, and probably force most people to stop playing. Why anyone would suspect an increase in difficulty to come from this is beyond me.

The really funny part is that Zelda hasn't been hard since the NES. Not a one of them was at all difficult to beat. It is a simple matter of using the item you got in the dungeon so solve all the puzzles. The boss of each dungeon was essentially just the final puzzle. The appeal is that the puzzles are fun to solve. If you want a hard game you are just playing the wrong series.

You don't see how them giving you access to solutions would allow them to design puzzles that are almost absurdly hard?


If you ever bother to actually read my post then I will think about trying to address your questions. Until then I am going to have to ask why you would bother to respond to someone without actually reading what was typed?


Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
Khuutra said:
Gnizmo said:
$10 says that the next Zelda won't be any harder. Having the game solve every puzzle for you would suck. It would be demeaning, demoralizing, and probably force most people to stop playing. Why anyone would suspect an increase in difficulty to come from this is beyond me.

The really funny part is that Zelda hasn't been hard since the NES. Not a one of them was at all difficult to beat. It is a simple matter of using the item you got in the dungeon so solve all the puzzles. The boss of each dungeon was essentially just the final puzzle. The appeal is that the puzzles are fun to solve. If you want a hard game you are just playing the wrong series.

You don't see how them giving you access to solutions would allow them to design puzzles that are almost absurdly hard?


If you ever bother to actually read my post then I will think about trying to address your questions. Until then I am going to have to ask why you would bother to respond to someone without actually reading what was typed?

I did, though. I was primarily referring to the first paragraph because the second one has nothing to do with puzzle difficulty except for the assertion that they're all solved with the same item in a given dungeon.

"$10 says that the next Zelda won't be any harder. Having the game solve every puzzle for you would suck. It would be demeaning, demoralizing, and probably force most people to stop playing. Why anyone would suspect an increase in difficulty to come from this is beyond me."

Hence my question. The game doesn't solve every puzzle for you. You have an option to see how it's done, to keep players who can't do it from being frustrated. How does this not free them up to bump the difficulty, exactly?

I'm not exactly sure where you got the implication that I hadn't read your post.

This looks very interesting, can't wait.

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Khuutra said:

I did, though. I was primarily referring to the first paragraph because the second one has nothing to do with puzzle difficulty except for the assertion that they're all solved with the same item in a given dungeon.

"$10 says that the next Zelda won't be any harder. Having the game solve every puzzle for you would suck. It would be demeaning, demoralizing, and probably force most people to stop playing. Why anyone would suspect an increase in difficulty to come from this is beyond me."

Hence my question. The game doesn't solve every puzzle for you. You have an option to see how it's done, to keep players who can't do it from being frustrated. How does this not free them up to bump the difficulty, exactly?

I'm not exactly sure where you got the implication that I hadn't read your post.

 Because you ignore the part I highlighted. The hint system is widely accepted as being a concession to the casual player so they can help beat the game. Currently the game is, presumably, not so easy that the target audience for thsi change could beat the game without some form of help. Why then would you make it even more difficult and risk them not being able to solve the majority of puzzles? The hint system is an appeal to casuals, but if you bump the difficulty too much you force them to use the system constantly, and they are no longer playing the game.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

You know, I never have understood people complaining about the inclusion of entirely optional hint systems or Easy modes. It's not like the presence of those options somehow reduces the value of the game. You're not obligated to use it if you don't want to. And of course, saying that a game shouldn't have these sorts of options because you don't want to see more people getting into the game is just plain counter-logical and selfish.

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