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Forums - Website Topics - I feel like I'm being harrassed by two mods. Anyone else feeling the same?

Legend11 said:
whatever said:
My guess is that your being "harassed" because your a 360 troll. And one of the more annoying ones at that.


And what's considered a 360 troll?  I mean I've read many posts in which posters have called 360 owners frat boys or bashed the system in other ways and they're not considered trolls.  Yet when I say that a major part of the Wii audience are casuals that prefer certain types of games I'm labelled as trolling.  I get banned because supposedly there's some kind of PS3/360 RPG thing that I flamed yet users were playing up the whole HD/Wii RPG thing in the exact same thread which to me seems to be the exact same thing.

Another user said to just be quiet but I have a feeling I'm going to be banned anyways so at least this way I have a chance at getting an answer.

The trick to not trolling is to focus on content in your posts, Legend11.  Part of what VGC is about is sales numbers, and you can talk about those without trolling.  And you can talk about ways in which you think the 360 is better than the competition without trolling. 

If you post something hoping to irritate people who like another console or hoping to start a war, you're trolling.


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Did you really think this thread would be constructive? Try the handy little staff link at the bottom of the page if you really have an issue. Report posts that you feel are a problem. Right now all you've done is force me to warn/ban people in this very thread.