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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How to make a game look like a total flop

lenardo1 said:
or they could be like my local Best Buy

Mushroom Men:spore wars for Wii.

instock-according to their website

Zero copies on the floor, ALL of them are inthe back, the employees there have YET to bring any to the floor. i had to ask them about it,

best buy employee " can i help you find anything?"

me "mushroom men for the wii- you have it in stock, none on the counter, it's probably still sitting out back on the stock shelves still"

employee looks at me weirdly, goes to computer,,, and goes, ya its out back...and Comes back with ONE copy of the game and hands to me.

i go, umm you know it's hard to Sell games if the shoppers don't see it on the shelf, they Assume you do not have it in stock, why didn't you grab all the copies and put on shelf the excess

employee- not my job to work the wii counter stock.



Yeah, see this is exactly what I mean. A lot of people arent going to brave out the mob of people around the one guy working the video game area and ask for it. They'll assume its sold out, and not buy it and get the #2 game on the wishlist. This is dangerous, especially for games like Mushroom Men, which need the exposure. Of course, its hard to put out EVERY game for any console on the shelves, but when I see some BS game on the shelf where a good title should be, it aggrivates me as both a gamer and a member of the game industry.

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Today's weird experience - no Tales DOTNW at Best Buy, not even a plastic seperator with its name showing its sold out. The DID have Mushroom Men out on the display tho.

One of the downsides of a system being popular, 4 different locations of aisle displays with games on them. Now I have to HUNT to find the games I want.

nordlead said:
bardicverse said:
^^^ that doesnt make sense. TRU HAD these games when they launched.

I don't see ToysRus as a sports junkies shop of choice. It is possible that it sold very poorly there, and ToysRus decided to not carry the game any more.

You can easily find it at Walmart, Target, and lots of other stores, so no big deal at all. Now, if you were complaining cause you couldn't find it anywhere, then I would agree with EA being stupid. Zack & Wiki is still available in stores, yet ToysRus clearanced it like 5 months ago.

Zack and Wiki is no longer carried at any stores where I live.  I'm going to have to order it from the VG Chartz Store or something like that.

(I live in a major city by the way.  Three major sport franchises are here, that should give you an idea of how big a city I live in.)

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

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^^^^ Thats cool, I live about a half hour outside NYC, and as you know NJ has 2 NFL teams, a NHL team and a NBA team. Id say its very sportcentric here. Just seems really weird but there's only one TRU I enjoy shopping at and that wasnt the one I stopped in at.

Wii games are scarce this time of year at TRU.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling