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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Fans, will you trade the Wiimote for Horsepower?

No way, the motion controls are what brought me back to console gaming

There's no way I'd own any current gen console without it

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RayRay102 said:

We all know the success of the Wii is squarely because of the Wiimote. Without the Wiimote, there is no way the Wii can compete with Sony and Microsoft. I am very happy for Nintendo's Success. But one thing is for certain, it will never have games like MGS or Resident Evil 5 because the system is just not powerful enough. Also, don't we all wish a new Mario game or a new Zelda game will have HD graphics. 

So my question to Nintendo diehard fans is, if we can rewind the clock, do you wish Nintendo would just release beast of a console with HD graphics comparable to Sony an Microsoft with just a stardard control pad? Or you are perfectly fine with Nintendo decision to go with something new and get all the casual onboard but have xbox 1 graphics.

I wish Nintendo would have done both when they released the Wii back in 2006. I want my Zelda with Fable 2 graphics and Mario with Banjo graphics.  Oh, maybe with all the money Nintendo is making these days, they will finally give that to us in the Wii 2.

Mario Kart Wii is still the most fun game this generation. Now imagine Mario Kart in 1080P!


There are some Wii games that I think would go better with higher resolution. But when I think of such games, I think of COD: WaW and Resident Evil kind of games. From the games you mentioned, I have no interest in seeing them them in higher resolutions.

To paint a better picture. If I had to pay 5 bucks more to have mario zelda or mario kart in higher resolution, I wouldn't pay for it. If it was for COD, then I would.

Wii without the wiimote? Never!! I'll take the wiimote any day.

yes. but not because the horse power but due the good games.


Jo21 said:
yes. but not because the horse power but due the good games.


You're forgetting that didn't happen when Nintendo was on par with the competition.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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Why would we trade the Wimote for horsepower? If I want to play on a powerful console, then I just start my PS3. If I want a different experience then i just play on my Wii.

Nintendo only continued with their family appeal, thats all they did.

Sony disregarded this segment and consequently failed big time with the PS3, singstar WAS the original casual market they neglected to service this time around.

Wiimote is the reason i bought any VG system this gen so no, graphics are not enough. Most people clearly agree with me.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

I would take storage space, quality online service, and an ethernet port over graphics. If I could give the wii-mote up for that, I would.

Those things, i think, would make the Wii a better gaming system than just graphics would. The Wii can pretty much already do decent graphics.

No... Wii is meant to be a breath of fresh air in the console biz not just another clone with exclusive games... and it would have been something like last gen where Nintendo would be hated by these same people that now call all Nintendo fans casuals and call themselves hardcore when last gen it was PS2 and Xbox = Mature GC = for kids and bought by kids, so really why set yourself up to fail in the gaming media and gamer populations eyes?

Wii is still getting it's hate from the same fanboys that hated GC last gen, except this time Wii has the innovation and there's not a damn thing that needs to change about it.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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Is this a trick question? HELL NO!!!