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Forums - Sony Discussion - Leo-j "PS3 will not go below 120k/week in 2008" prediction post-mortem


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Well he was 100% accurate within the margin of error...

So statistically he was 100% correct with his prediction.

leo-j said:
11ht11 said:
120k isnt even that much...


 PS3 was as low as 35k world wide in 2007

No it wasn't.... it did go under 50k for 2 weeks in a row at one point, but adjustments have seen to it that it only fell below 50k once, and that it was before the Europe launch (wheras the 2 weeks I was talking about were after the Europe launch)

TBH you made this prediction shortly after the sales increase from the price-cut/40g release and it was a pretty simple enough prediction.... I think I stated at the time that over 100k was basically a given considering it was entering it's second year.


Congratulations leo-j, and to the ps3 for not dropping below 120k any week in 2008, apart from those weeks where it did in fact drop below 120k

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Congrats Leo-J but u need to come up with a prediction for the ps3 for 09


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He is better than the most of the analysts.

People say even Pachter makes the odd right prediction. Now we can say even Leo-J makes the odd right prediction.
Whether it just a fluke or an educated guess made by Leo-J. Congratz Leo-J on your 98.5% accurate prediction.

konnichiwa said:
He is better than the most of the analysts.


So are Magic 8 balls. =P

DMJ - Bro, how many LBP threads are you going to put up? Last I read, you were saying you weren't going to defend this game anymore, and now you're subtley pointing out its sales again. =)

BE CONSISTENT - else I'll have to come down to Maryland and shave your eyebrows off. ;)

Prediction failed just like all of the other ones he makes.  This one just happened to be sensible.


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