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Forums - Sony Discussion - Leo-j "PS3 will not go below 120k/week in 2008" prediction post-mortem

Kudos my man!, any new big preditions for 2009?

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it did go below but for less than 2000 units =d good job!

Technically that one week where it was 118.5K was well within the error margin so I say he was more or less spot on. Great prediction Leo-J.

I'd say things should only get beter, especially considering there should be a price cut next year.



Branko2166 said:
Technically that one week where it was 118.5K was well within the error margin so I say he was more or less spot on. Great prediction Leo-J.

I'd say things should only get beter, especially considering there should be a price cut next year.


 Why do people keep saying it was only 1 week when it was 3 weeks?

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

@everyone: it was THREE WEEKS like Infamy is saying. He said it will never. It was below 120k three weeks in a row. And your are treating him like a sales analyst? Go Pachter 2.0.

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he failed. He said the ps3 will not go below.... it went below 120 for 3 weeks = failed!

holy crap the ps3 really had a 35 week WW in 07?

that's insane


1. Wii will never reach 50% market share.

2. Kz2 will sell 1.3 first week 3.5 LT.
Sales predictions for 09.

Wii - 69 - 72
PS3 - 32 - 34
X360 - 39 - 41

Oh... it was 3 weeks. ioi must have adjusted since earlier in the year, it was only one. This is why we should be told about adjustments. Still it was an awesome prediction, and he was very close so he deffo didn' fail.

Did JL fail when he was a mil off of his "Wii @ 20 mil by 08?"

Iseem to remember everyone praising him for that prediction... But why would I expect fairness? >_>

People were wrong to praise John Lucas. Just as you were wrong to praise Leo-J.

By all means point out that he almost didn't fail. But fail he did.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
People were wrong to praise John Lucas. Just as you were wrong to praise Leo-J.

By all means point out that he almost didn't fail. But fail he did.
