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Forums - Sony Discussion - shock and awe. sega made a good game.


I completely understand where your opinion fits in and i am not trying to change it. However, someone reading this will see that you said that fzero gc has broken controls and is not as good a wipeout pulse.

All I am doing is stating for other readers on this site that average review scores seem to disagree with your statement and that they need to make up their mind after playing both games.

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Even if you like Wipeout more than F-Zero (and hey, that happens... I think).

Learn to respect your gaming history. Wipeout is F-Zero "I'm on Playstation" edition. It was the speed racing Crash Bandicoot of it's day. An attempt to do what Nintendo was already doing. You like weapons? Cool. But you've got to acknowledge that When wipeout was made, it was made to be "F-Zero with weapons"

And I should once again re-iterate that F-Zero GX was absofuckinglutely amazing.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.


Off topic, is that suppose to be some kind of version of Leet speak or some kind of cool kid thing to horribly misspell and fracture sentences together?

On topic, yes I have recently discovered that even though its a pseude WWII SRPG, VALKYRIA Chronicles is an excellent game. After recently renting it and playing 20 hours into it, I have bumped it up on my list of a games I must buy in the near future. I still say it shouldn't have released at the full $60 price tag but what are you going to do.

I'm just saying...

@Dis- Alright then, well it would have been easier saying it like that in the first place. :P

I have played both infact im glad stof brought up the subject because i was wonder'n if there were any other games out there like the WipeOut series and i totally forgot the F-Zero series.

Mainly due to the fact we havent see one in awhile, i dont think one for the Wii or DS has been done yet lol.

Also if that is what you were trying to get across i did state in my original post of my brief review of it with a "All in my honest opinion of course." so that others reading wouldnt be scared off because it was just what i thought about it.

So at any rate, we cool dude? eheh.. thinking back on it a little this just started from an innocent personal perspective of a pretty old game vs an on-going series. :P

disolitude said:
outlawauron said:
disolitude said:

Qucik survey says...Youre wrong!

89 on metacritic -

Wipeout hasnt touched that high review average since PS1.



Wait, so you're saying that his opinion (after playing the game) is wrong and think that a group of other people's opinions prove his wrong.



Please reffer to my previous post if you're still confused about my logic...

"There is a huge difference when a collective of professional review publications give scores to 2 titles and when an obvious Sony supporter compares a gamecube exclusive to a sony exclusive.

One tends to find a little less bias when looking at publications"


Regardless of bias of any kind, he can still think that Wipeout is better as stof can think F Zero GX is better. I think stof's approach is the best, he told that Seraphic_Sixasis that Wipeout borrowed much from the old F-Zeros and didn't try to correct his view.


And just like I can think that Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King is the best game on the Wii.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
@Dis- Alright then, well it would have been easier saying it like that in the first place. :P

I have played both infact im glad stof brought up the subject because i was wonder'n if there were any other games out there like the WipeOut series and i totally forgot the F-Zero series.

Mainly due to the fact we havent see one in awhile, i dont think one for the Wii or DS has been done yet lol.

Also if that is what you were trying to get across i did state in my original post of my brief review of it with a "All in my honest opinion of course." so that others reading wouldnt be scared off because it was just what i thought about it.

So at any rate, we cool dude? eheh.. thinking back on it a little this just started from an innocent personal perspective of a pretty old game vs an on-going series. :P

Yeah man...all is good. I love Wipeout series myself...Fzero gx was amazing too. But ridge racer owns them both in my mind.

But metacritic doesnt agree with me there... :P


stof said:
Even if you like Wipeout more than F-Zero (and hey, that happens... I think).

Learn to respect your gaming history. Wipeout is F-Zero "I'm on Playstation" edition. It was the speed racing Crash Bandicoot of it's day. An attempt to do what Nintendo was already doing. You like weapons? Cool. But you've got to acknowledge that When wipeout was made, it was made to be "F-Zero with weapons"

And I should once again re-iterate that F-Zero GX was absofuckinglutely amazing.


I see, awesome then! we see eye to eye. :P

I respect your opinion on the matter, infact i thank you man! like i said i was looking for other games besides WipeOut, you know the Futurtistic Si-fi Hover-Craft thingie goin on.

And ya reminded me of my gamecube days and what do ya know? i have the game! lol! of course i gave my camecube to my mom now since im a full force HD gamer when it comes to consoles so lol. :P

And now that i've tried it just based my view on it.

Also has anyone here tried that one game from Canada Koei? i heared its a hover craft game to. and Multi-platform between X360 and PS3 if i recall correctly. :P

Fatal Inertia. My buddy worked on the the game actually... I thought it wasnt great.

disolitude said:
Fatal Inertia. My buddy worked on the the game actually... I thought it wasnt great.


Yeah! thats the one.

Cool your bud worked on it eh? sweet! :P

So ya didnt think it was to good eh? well i heared it had WEAPONS! :P weapons are always good! so it cant be all bad. >_> ... can it? o.O

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
disolitude said:
Fatal Inertia. My buddy worked on the the game actually... I thought it wasnt great.


Yeah! thats the one.

Cool your bud worked on it eh? sweet! :P

So ya didnt think it was to good eh? well i heared it had WEAPONS! :P weapons are always good! so it cant be all bad. >_> ... can it? o.O

Try the demo..its on psn/xbox live. Id rather play wipeout 1 on my sega saturn... :)