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stof said:
Even if you like Wipeout more than F-Zero (and hey, that happens... I think).

Learn to respect your gaming history. Wipeout is F-Zero "I'm on Playstation" edition. It was the speed racing Crash Bandicoot of it's day. An attempt to do what Nintendo was already doing. You like weapons? Cool. But you've got to acknowledge that When wipeout was made, it was made to be "F-Zero with weapons"

And I should once again re-iterate that F-Zero GX was absofuckinglutely amazing.


I see, awesome then! we see eye to eye. :P

I respect your opinion on the matter, infact i thank you man! like i said i was looking for other games besides WipeOut, you know the Futurtistic Si-fi Hover-Craft thingie goin on.

And ya reminded me of my gamecube days and what do ya know? i have the game! lol! of course i gave my camecube to my mom now since im a full force HD gamer when it comes to consoles so lol. :P

And now that i've tried it just based my view on it.

Also has anyone here tried that one game from Canada Koei? i heared its a hover craft game to. and Multi-platform between X360 and PS3 if i recall correctly. :P