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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do you think a PS3 FFVII remake would outsell FFXIII?

Khuutra said:
@Swoosh2000: Agreed. It's one of the reasons I'm waiting to see where the next round of remakes goes: if FFV hits on the DS it's back to business as usual, but if it lands on the Wii with the Crystal Tools engine (or whatever it's called) it's going to be indicative of a whole new ballgame.


Wouldn't keeping the SNES FF/DQ remakes on the DS while the Wii gets the PSX-era ones make the most sense? 

FFV and FFVI Remakes should be on the DS, FFVII however could go on the Wii. 

I'm not even sure if FFVII/VIII/IX Remakes would be possibly on DS for storage reasons. 

And again that would help bring the core RPG gamer, and would also give Square-Enix a big money-maker for the Western Wii market (which DQX probably isn't), which is too big for S-E to ignore for much longer. 

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forevercloud3000 said:

Kingdom Hearts on Wii equals EPIC FAIL! I would be utterly repulsed and would shun it for life. I dont want wonky Wii controls in my awesome KH action!

And the only reason to even do a FFVII remake would be to amend the ties broken when FFXIII went MP. Making FFVII multiplat makes all of it pointless really. Then Sony can finally prove that their games can sell extremely well on their system alone.


Right you obviously havent played many Wii games if you think that in all of them you have to waggle and nothing else. Just use your imagination and then you should see how the game would be controlled.

Swoosh2000 said:
Khuutra said:
@Swoosh2000: Agreed. It's one of the reasons I'm waiting to see where the next round of remakes goes: if FFV hits on the DS it's back to business as usual, but if it lands on the Wii with the Crystal Tools engine (or whatever it's called) it's going to be indicative of a whole new ballgame.


Wouldn't keeping the SNES FF/DQ remakes on the DS while the Wii gets the PSX-era ones make the most sense? 

FFV and FFVI Remakes should be on the DS, FFVII however could go on the Wii. 

I'm not even sure if FFVII/VIII/IX Remakes would be possibly on DS for storage reasons. 

And again that would help bring the core RPG gamer, and would also give Square-Enix a big money-maker for the Western Wii market (which DQX probably isn't). 

Making sense? It's had to say. It all depends on where Square sees the most money being made. f they think there's more money to be made on the Wii, they'll put it there. Though i agree, it is difficult to imagine them seeing more money there.

If they're on the DS, though, I don't think it would be for the sake of continuity. After all, FFI and FFII were remade thice, for the GBA and the PS1 and the PSP, but FFIII landed on the DS. It's difficult to establish a pattern in what they'e doing with the remakes.

I think it would be possible, though it might be expensive. Downscaling the pre-rendered background for the smaller resolution of the DS screens, superior video compression vs. 11 years ago.... they could do it. It would just be hard.

I would agree with you concerning the Western market except that Nintendo is going to be the one pushing Dragon Quest in the West. Anything could happen.

Khuutra -- Agree with many of your points. 

I would add though I think "the shoe has already dropped" as it were. 

Square-Enix is not going to second guess the Wii any more. They already made that decision by putting Dragon Quest X on the platform. 

They could have put it on the DS for instance, but obviously they feel the Wii can be as successful of a platform for them. 

That means a lot more is coming, not just DQX. No way does Square-Enix leave their lead Japanese RPG to fend for itself. If they still had questions about the Wii it would be getting DQ Swords 2 rather than DQX. 

Point taken.

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@Khuutra and Swoosh

If Kingdom Hearts won't be taking on Wii motion control what would be the purpose of putting it on the Wii in the first place? If it has regular controls then it could have easily been done better on PS3 with a more suited controller. Its not likke 3rd party games sell well on the Wii anyway, only first party.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

forevercloud3000 said:


@Khuutra and Swoosh

If Kingdom Hearts won't be taking on Wii motion control what would be the purpose of putting it on the Wii in the first place? If it has regular controls then it could have easily been done better on PS3 with a more suited controller. Its not likke 3rd party games sell well on the Wii anyway, only first party.


Because $$$ talks. 

Also because Square-Enix is not the only company that has a say in that franchise. Disney does too (and take a wild guess looking at NPD chart which platform they would probably want it on). 


You're replying to the wrong people, forevercloud. We are not talking about Kingdom Hearts. We are talking about where a FFVII remake would sell the most, and hence where it is most likely to be headed.

It would. But not sure if SE is interesented in doing it right now. Maybe if Sony offers them a good amount of cash.

Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!

I'd settle with a PS1 classic release over the PSN with Trophies.