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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why All The PS3 Hate?

leo-j said:


ps3 sales= not for gaming?

Well yeah.  Duh.

I mean if i'm an expert on TVs does that mean i'm going to be an expert on why one TV is selling better then another TV?

No.  Not at all.

Lots of experts tend to fall in love with their favorites and can't realize their product is doing bad and can't figure out why because they like their favorite for whatever reason. (usually technical.)

It happens all the time.  Betamax is a good example.


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Sony's earned every bit of hate they've received.  I was convinced the ps3 was going to dominate this console generation.  If it wasn't for blu-ray, I would have sold my ps3 long ago.  Finally, there are a few decent games out on the ps3.  Most of the ps3 exclusives that were supposed to be good simply aren't.  The 360 has much better games and it's a much better system.  You can argue that obviously, but it doesn't change the fact that most people prefer the 360 over the ps3.  It's beating it by a pretty big margine in console sales, and it's absolutely stomping the ps3 is software sales.

As for people who like Heavenly Sword... I havn't been more disappointed in a game for quite some time.  HS may as well be called My First Fighter, and be marketed to eight year olds.  Ya, it looks kinda nice.  Yes, you look cool when you're flipping around killing bad guys.  No, it doesn't take even a remote amount of skill.  No, your actions onscreen don't even remotely correspond with the buttons you push.  You can play that game blindfolded by mashing buttons.  How do I know this?  My friends and I tried.  It works.  It's honestly the most (only) fun we had with the game.  Yahtzee's review of the combat was spot on.  That game is a pile of pretty crap.  Go play God of War, DMC series or either Ninja Gaiden.  Any of those games are 10x better.

Slimebeast said:
Pristine20 said:

Why All The PS3 Hate?

by Torrence Davis

Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted and Resistance 2 are all MUST HAVE TITLES.


 lol, he sounds like CrazzyMan.

if you had tried them you would agree..


Check out my game about moles ^

NJ5 said:
blazinhead89 said:
NJ5 said:
blazinhead89 said:
NJ5 said:
@blazinhead89: Where did I say the article is rubbish? Am I not allowed to take points of the article and respond to them? Do I have to write a whole thesis discussing each sentence the article contains?


You a thesis? LOL, The point that your getting as is that your trying to shred/disprove the points you don't agree with so it makes it look like the article is full of nonsense amd unreliable. I Don't see you Shred through and try and disprove positive News for Microsoft and Nintendo. Why all the hate?

Perhaps you haven't looked hard enough. In no place did I say the article is full of nonsense, I simply pointed out some of its mistakes. It's not a well written article in any way (even if I agree with some of the points it makes).



"MAKE IT LOOK LIKE", are you clear?


Am I also allowed to accuse others of "making something look like something"? I can play that game, it looks like fun.

OK, here it goes: Some Sony fans here are making it look like Heavenly Sword is better than 90% of PS3's game library!


Have you played Heavenly Sword, if Not be then STFU

blazinhead89 said:
NJ5 said:
blazinhead89 said:
NJ5 said:
blazinhead89 said:
NJ5 said:
@blazinhead89: Where did I say the article is rubbish? Am I not allowed to take points of the article and respond to them? Do I have to write a whole thesis discussing each sentence the article contains?


You a thesis? LOL, The point that your getting as is that your trying to shred/disprove the points you don't agree with so it makes it look like the article is full of nonsense amd unreliable. I Don't see you Shred through and try and disprove positive News for Microsoft and Nintendo. Why all the hate?

Perhaps you haven't looked hard enough. In no place did I say the article is full of nonsense, I simply pointed out some of its mistakes. It's not a well written article in any way (even if I agree with some of the points it makes).



"MAKE IT LOOK LIKE", are you clear?


Am I also allowed to accuse others of "making something look like something"? I can play that game, it looks like fun.

OK, here it goes: Some Sony fans here are making it look like Heavenly Sword is better than 90% of PS3's game library!



Have you played Heavenly Sword, if Not be then STFU


you dont have to be so mean....and please STFU lol jk

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blazinhead89 said:


Have you played Heavenly Sword, if Not be then STFU

No, but I've seen this video that twesterm posted. Also, whether I've played it or not has nothing to do with the point I was trying to make.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

@NJ5, so you take a video as evidence? So we watch video games now?

blazinhead89 said:
@NJ5, so you take a video as evidence? So we watch video games now?

This is getting pretty off-topic, but when the video shows someone controlling the game to make a point, I sometimes do. Especially when other people who own the same game say the same thing.

Are you saying the video is fake?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

blazinhead89 said:
@NJ5, so you take a video as evidence? So we watch video games now?

excuse me to interrupt you argument but this made me LOL


 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

Slimebeast said:
Pristine20 said:

Why All The PS3 Hate?

by Torrence Davis

Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted and Resistance 2 are all MUST HAVE TITLES.


 lol, he sounds like CrazzyMan.

LOL The only must-have title that I think people would want is Metal Gear Solid 4. All the people I know don't know of the rest, especially LittleBigPlanet. Yes, I'm still meeting other people who are gamers and have not heard of LBP. Don't come yelling at me saying, "it's the BEST GAME EVA!!!11elventyoneoneuno", because I still see the game now on store shelves, along with other PS3 games and the consoles in heaps while the Nintendo and Xbox isles at Best Buy are nearly barren. Well, the PS2 and PSP shelves were partially affected by the holidays, but I still see PS3 consoles in heaps. There must have been at least 56 PS3s, around 30 or less X360s and no Wii consoles. There was even a little island of LBP games and I didn't see anything moved one bit. It was a cardboard island with at least 4-6 games of LBP stacked in rows. Although the Blu-Ray isle looked sweet as it was playing Planet Earth in glorious least I want that, but oh wait, I don't own a Blu-Ray player because they are still expensive and not a PS3 because they took out B/C.

At least make games that people want, Sony. Bring back some of your franchises from the PS2 era, such as Sly Cooper or Jak & Daxter...oh wait, you don't own the characters because you don't have any mascots. Just video game characters that people associate you with because there were games on your system that had them.