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Sony's earned every bit of hate they've received.  I was convinced the ps3 was going to dominate this console generation.  If it wasn't for blu-ray, I would have sold my ps3 long ago.  Finally, there are a few decent games out on the ps3.  Most of the ps3 exclusives that were supposed to be good simply aren't.  The 360 has much better games and it's a much better system.  You can argue that obviously, but it doesn't change the fact that most people prefer the 360 over the ps3.  It's beating it by a pretty big margine in console sales, and it's absolutely stomping the ps3 is software sales.

As for people who like Heavenly Sword... I havn't been more disappointed in a game for quite some time.  HS may as well be called My First Fighter, and be marketed to eight year olds.  Ya, it looks kinda nice.  Yes, you look cool when you're flipping around killing bad guys.  No, it doesn't take even a remote amount of skill.  No, your actions onscreen don't even remotely correspond with the buttons you push.  You can play that game blindfolded by mashing buttons.  How do I know this?  My friends and I tried.  It works.  It's honestly the most (only) fun we had with the game.  Yahtzee's review of the combat was spot on.  That game is a pile of pretty crap.  Go play God of War, DMC series or either Ninja Gaiden.  Any of those games are 10x better.