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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why All The PS3 Hate?

Because they deserve it. look at all the broken promises

part 2 -


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Did Sony hold a gun to my head and force Me to buy a PS3 ? NOOOOO ZEN, I decided of my own free will, seriously dude, people aren't gonna respect you when you post BS Like that >_>

Light Yagami said:
Because they deserve it. look at all the broken promises

part 2 -



please, we could do this for every corporation in existence.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

@Pristine Agreed

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Skiman said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Slimebeast said:
Sigh. A wall of text written by an unknown blogger who obviously is a Sony fanboy.


Bingo. That article made my head hurt, and I wish I wouldn't have read it.

You know why all the PS3 hate?

Because the freakin' thing costs 400 dollars in a recession and we can't all afford one.

It's over-priced, I dont' care if it sucks your foot and fixes you a sandwich.

The reason it's overpriced, is because Sony used it as a tie in to hock its new media format, and continues forcing gamers to pay the price.

Sony deserves the hate, and imo, they deserve the poor sales as well. Start treating consumers well, and change with our needs, not your own, Sony. If you do something dumb that costs us time and money(RRoD, BR) then fix it for free. Don't just keep on pwning us with it, ffs.

The fact that this console is still 460 dollars after tax is insane, and someone deserves to pay for this horrible error.


 Um ok. Considering Sony LOSES money on every console sold, and it is the same price as a blu-ray PLUS an awesome game system, how can you say it's overpriced?


It's 399 dollars. It's overpriced. No amount of features and value that Sony "adds" to the console can change that simply little general assuption. I'm a gamer, my friend. I'm not trying to combat my own cognitive dissonance, or justify my purchases. I want to buy a Playstation 3, not a Blu-Ray player. Nobody has a choice though. Sony forced you to buy a Blu-Ray player. They forced you to, my friend. You had no choice. None. It wasn't necessary. Saying it is, is ignorance.

Let me explain.

If I sell you a hamburger for 50 cents.

Then I say, "But wait! To buy this hamburger, you also have to buy this blu-ray player with it, which will cost you 199.99. It's a GREAT VALUE. You can eat the hamburger on top of it, like a plate. With a big-mac, you have to use your own plate."

Then, am I giving you a good deal? Isn't that also an excellent value? Or, instead, am I just being an asshole, and trying to market you a Blu-Ray player via the bait/and/hook method?


Yes, that is why your argument is biased. It's from the point of view of a product and its value. It doesn't factor in anything besides that, like the needless tacking on of expensive devices. It's spin. It's Sony PR. It makes no sense, and it makes me sick, sir.

Not your best analogy, or most sensible post.

Sony putting BR in PS3 was their choice and rather obvious in context: unlike your burger analogy.  You have the choice of buying it or not.  If you want an HD console without BR then I can recomend one - but I think you might already own it.

The PS3 is good value if you want HD console plus BR - that's the choice it offers.  Sony's only problem is the market for a combined BR player/HD games console is smaller than the market for an HD console without BR.



Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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Sony commited the same sins that Nintendo (Nintendo 64) and Sega (Saturn) did: ARROGANCE AND PRIDE.

They have to pay for it just like they did.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Skiman said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Slimebeast said:
Sigh. A wall of text written by an unknown blogger who obviously is a Sony fanboy.


Bingo. That article made my head hurt, and I wish I wouldn't have read it.

You know why all the PS3 hate?

Because the freakin' thing costs 400 dollars in a recession and we can't all afford one.

It's over-priced, I dont' care if it sucks your foot and fixes you a sandwich.

The reason it's overpriced, is because Sony used it as a tie in to hock its new media format, and continues forcing gamers to pay the price.

Sony deserves the hate, and imo, they deserve the poor sales as well. Start treating consumers well, and change with our needs, not your own, Sony. If you do something dumb that costs us time and money(RRoD, BR) then fix it for free. Don't just keep on pwning us with it, ffs.

The fact that this console is still 460 dollars after tax is insane, and someone deserves to pay for this horrible error.


 Um ok. Considering Sony LOSES money on every console sold, and it is the same price as a blu-ray PLUS an awesome game system, how can you say it's overpriced?


It's 399 dollars. It's overpriced. No amount of features and value that Sony "adds" to the console can change that simply little general assuption. I'm a gamer, my friend. I'm not trying to combat my own cognitive dissonance, or justify my purchases. I want to buy a Playstation 3, not a Blu-Ray player. Nobody has a choice though. Sony forced you to buy a Blu-Ray player. They forced you to, my friend. You had no choice. None. It wasn't necessary. Saying it is, is ignorance.

Let me explain.

If I sell you a hamburger for 50 cents.

Then I say, "But wait! To buy this hamburger, you also have to buy this blu-ray player with it, which will cost you 199.99. It's a GREAT VALUE. You can eat the hamburger on top of it, like a plate. With a big-mac, you have to use your own plate."

Then, am I giving you a good deal? Isn't that also an excellent value? Or, instead, am I just being an asshole, and trying to market you a Blu-Ray player via the bait/and/hook method?


Yes, that is why your argument is biased. It's from the point of view of a product and its value. It doesn't factor in anything besides that, like the needless tacking on of expensive devices. It's spin. It's Sony PR. It makes no sense, and it makes me sick, sir.



Great answer! :)

wow thanks to this thread i remember why i stopped caring for the "next gen" community 8 years ago

youre going in circles "ps 3 bad because www...." "no thats bs ps 3 is good because www....." "no youre absolutely wrong sony broke so many promises and their arrogance drove the people away" "well the 360 is produced by MICROSOFT ..must i say more ? "

ok as a person from like "outside" the whole fanboyism thing ... i see it this way .. first of all... like some of you already said... the first year after the ps3 launch there was only a handfull lof games.. of which even fewer were any good... then the extremely high price and the "news" about the lack of quality and reliability in the early models ... made people second guess buying a ps3 in the first place "but the 360 still has the red ring of death problem !!!!11111" you might say.. well yes but im not talking about the 360 here .. moving on

as a european gamer im pretty much used to being forgotten by the gaming industry when it comes to any advantages... we get about half the amount of games you people in the us can enjoy ... but thats nothing new.. thats been so from the days of the snes

but and here comes sonys arrogance and disregard for its customers... we were the last to get the six axis controllers along with our ps3 until a few months ago every new ps 3 still included the old controllers that i believe you couldnt even buy in the us anymore at that time

then theres the issue of the playstation network the idea itself sure is lovely
but if you cant actually buy any of the psn stores games and upgrades because of the lack of a payment alternative to a credit card ..which isnt all that popular in europe... and thats a fact... you might say... well get one.... but maybe i dont want to ..or maybe i cant... sony promised us the playstation store card.. which.. should just work like the ones for predaid mobiles or i tunes.. but ... it has been a year since the announcement and nothing has happened

and what i as a relic of the last gen consoles also believe is... after the ps 2 was such a more of less invincible behemoth that streamrolled the dreamcast .which many people where very fond of... well lets not discuss this here.. anyway.. after the ps2 success.. people felt a sort of ... satisfaction to hear the news of the ever delayed launch of the ps 3 and its problems .. i know i did... but earlier this year i got one anyway... not because i thought the console is "teh awesomness !!!11111" but because i liked the games ...and maybe the console is a sinking ship but i also have a dreamcast and a saturn... so its in good company .but after years of next gen mediocricy i finally found a console that has a few games that i really enjoy..

ok now either completely ignore this ..or let the noobbashing commence..

Pristine20 said:
Light Yagami said:
Because they deserve it. look at all the broken promises

part 2 -



please, we could do this for every corporation in existence.

Could you find me one for the 360? I'm being serious.  I had trouble finding any. Almost all of them I found were like 1 minute long and complaining about the RRoD.  Ya, that was annoying.  Key word, annoying.  M$ worked with people and lost a lot of money giving people good customer service.  So sorry you were inconvenienced for a week.  It sucks, but as long as companies work with you it's not a big deal.  Nintendo really shines in this department.  The only other thing I could really find are ones saying that the ps3 uses bluray so it has more storage.  And?  We have some seriously lazy/patient ps3 gamers here.  If MGS4 ever comes out on the 360 on 4 discs, i'd happily buy it over the ps3 version I own.  Id rather get up off the couch and spend 5 seconds putting in a new disc instead of watching snake take a smoke break for several minutes after each chapter.  Next generation blu-ray will probably matter quite a bit.  Right now it simply doesn't as far as gaming is concerned.

Anyways, i'm just pointing those out because those are some seriously silly aguements.  I really would like to see one with actual facts about the 360, that's not sarcasm.