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wow thanks to this thread i remember why i stopped caring for the "next gen" community 8 years ago

youre going in circles "ps 3 bad because www...." "no thats bs ps 3 is good because www....." "no youre absolutely wrong sony broke so many promises and their arrogance drove the people away" "well the 360 is produced by MICROSOFT ..must i say more ? "

ok as a person from like "outside" the whole fanboyism thing ... i see it this way .. first of all... like some of you already said... the first year after the ps3 launch there was only a handfull lof games.. of which even fewer were any good... then the extremely high price and the "news" about the lack of quality and reliability in the early models ... made people second guess buying a ps3 in the first place "but the 360 still has the red ring of death problem !!!!11111" you might say.. well yes but im not talking about the 360 here .. moving on

as a european gamer im pretty much used to being forgotten by the gaming industry when it comes to any advantages... we get about half the amount of games you people in the us can enjoy ... but thats nothing new.. thats been so from the days of the snes

but and here comes sonys arrogance and disregard for its customers... we were the last to get the six axis controllers along with our ps3 until a few months ago every new ps 3 still included the old controllers that i believe you couldnt even buy in the us anymore at that time

then theres the issue of the playstation network the idea itself sure is lovely
but if you cant actually buy any of the psn stores games and upgrades because of the lack of a payment alternative to a credit card ..which isnt all that popular in europe... and thats a fact... you might say... well get one.... but maybe i dont want to ..or maybe i cant... sony promised us the playstation store card.. which.. should just work like the ones for predaid mobiles or i tunes.. but ... it has been a year since the announcement and nothing has happened

and what i as a relic of the last gen consoles also believe is... after the ps 2 was such a more of less invincible behemoth that streamrolled the dreamcast .which many people where very fond of... well lets not discuss this here.. anyway.. after the ps2 success.. people felt a sort of ... satisfaction to hear the news of the ever delayed launch of the ps 3 and its problems .. i know i did... but earlier this year i got one anyway... not because i thought the console is "teh awesomness !!!11111" but because i liked the games ...and maybe the console is a sinking ship but i also have a dreamcast and a saturn... so its in good company .but after years of next gen mediocricy i finally found a console that has a few games that i really enjoy..

ok now either completely ignore this ..or let the noobbashing commence..