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Pristine20 said:
Light Yagami said:
Because they deserve it. look at all the broken promises

part 2 -



please, we could do this for every corporation in existence.

Could you find me one for the 360? I'm being serious.  I had trouble finding any. Almost all of them I found were like 1 minute long and complaining about the RRoD.  Ya, that was annoying.  Key word, annoying.  M$ worked with people and lost a lot of money giving people good customer service.  So sorry you were inconvenienced for a week.  It sucks, but as long as companies work with you it's not a big deal.  Nintendo really shines in this department.  The only other thing I could really find are ones saying that the ps3 uses bluray so it has more storage.  And?  We have some seriously lazy/patient ps3 gamers here.  If MGS4 ever comes out on the 360 on 4 discs, i'd happily buy it over the ps3 version I own.  Id rather get up off the couch and spend 5 seconds putting in a new disc instead of watching snake take a smoke break for several minutes after each chapter.  Next generation blu-ray will probably matter quite a bit.  Right now it simply doesn't as far as gaming is concerned.

Anyways, i'm just pointing those out because those are some seriously silly aguements.  I really would like to see one with actual facts about the 360, that's not sarcasm.