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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why All The PS3 Hate?

Mike do you believe that these games warrant the price difference?

You're a technical specification wizard...but average joe sees Gears 2 running alongside Resistance 2 on demo units in any game retailer, then looks at the price of the consoles and something doesn't sit right.

I agree re: hardware reliability, loudness of console (which is not so much of an issue anymore with NXE), PSN free etc. - Despite all it's flaws look at the games library, of which the game reviewer concensus - metacritic shows twice as many 360 games over 90%, at least 100 more games available, more or less the same graphical fidelity (time of writing) and it's hard to be convinced that the extra $200 nets you a better GAME machine.

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I thought the PS3 was getting a pretty decent rap until numbers showed that it was underperforming during the holidays, which is a pretty good reason to start dishing it out again seeing as how numbers mean so much in this biz. Heck, in any biz. Why do you think people dogged Nintendo so bad last generation?

mmnin said:
I thought the PS3 was getting a pretty decent rap until numbers showed that it was underperforming during the holidays, which is a pretty good reason to start dishing it out again seeing as how numbers mean so much in this biz. Heck, in any biz. Why do you think people dogged Nintendo so bad last generation?


Because they had a crap selection of exclusive content, even from their 1st Party which is usually their strongest, thats why.

Sony has a very strong one, if not the strongest. Big Difference!




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

I liked the PSOne. I loved the PS2. I do not hate the PS3.

I hated Sony for a while with the PS3 launch. But I don't hate them as much anymore.

I personally feel it's impolite to kick someone on the teeth while they're down. And Sony is waaaay down.

I'm wishing the best of luck to Sony, that they somehow survive this generation, and fight the good fight next generation.

My 2 cents.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

I'm sure there are many reasons - just remember, there's a strange allure to seeing someone/thing mighty fall. It's just wired into many people as a response.

I also get the feeling that in US a lot of people wanted a PS3 but they didn't want the PS3 Sony gave them. I can see that behind many of the overpriced comments/threads - seems a lot of people want a PS3 at $200 dollars or so without BR with more of their favourite games such as Jak or God of War given priority over new IP.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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there is something i find alluring about people i have seen it quite worry some.

it happen to britney spears, amy winehouse, lindsey lohan.
they fell from grace and in their times they managed to be the spotlight of everyone else.

but for all of them there was a time they are/were considered "trainwecks", but whats worry some it's some people i seen saying horrible things about other people, things i don't want to repeat, going downplaying them to even wishing them painful death, like they killed your entire family. and keep you alive watching it happen.

i don't know if it's some kind of jealousy or anger, but being a internet person i find it everywhere.

the same thing i seen its going to even companies now, sony was top dog, and completely destroy everything for more than 10 years.
but now fell and people feel to bring it down.
"if they fell kick them"

well britney managed to recover, some say lindsay its getting better not sure about amy.

I only play with the Puss 3.

Fumanchu said:
Mike do you believe that these games warrant the price difference?

You're a technical specification wizard...but average joe sees Gears 2 running alongside Resistance 2 on demo units in any game retailer, then looks at the price of the consoles and something doesn't sit right.

It varies from person to person, for me it does. IMO Gears of War 2 roughly is "as good" as it going to get on the 360, there's not much technical headroom left. If you want Mario Galaxy a Nintendo Wii is for example your only option, both Gears 2 and Mario Galaxy are well polished games.

But for the games I am interested in like God of War 3, Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2 I feel far more excited knowing games so far have only scratched on what's actually possible to achieve with the hardware. They will technically be more impressive than anything what one can hope to achieve on the 360, nomatter talent and effort. It's like you won't get 7.1 lossless audio on the 360 nomatter the effort. But after that I am getting ready for Killzone 3, which again should be able to yield massive gains.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Fumanchu said:
Mike do you believe that these games warrant the price difference?

You're a technical specification wizard...but average joe sees Gears 2 running alongside Resistance 2 on demo units in any game retailer, then looks at the price of the consoles and something doesn't sit right.

I agree re: hardware reliability, loudness of console (which is not so much of an issue anymore with NXE), PSN free etc. - Despite all it's flaws look at the games library, of which the game reviewer concensus - metacritic shows twice as many 360 games over 90%, at least 100 more games available, more or less the same graphical fidelity (time of writing) and it's hard to be convinced that the extra $200 nets you a better GAME machine.

I now you asked MikeB, but let me give a perspective that's non-technical based on some recent experience of mine.

1) to the average Joe they do not see the additional money getting them a better GAME machine - the 360 just seems to offer the same games (more or less) for less money

2) the 'true' price of the 360 is hidden to an extent.  I say this as I know many parents (I'm one of this site's older residents!) bought one and were less than impressed to find they needed to spend another £100 plus (UK example) to get the WiFi and Live membership.  Throw in the expensive HDD and suddenly I know a fair few people realizing they weren't saving money vs a PS3 after all.

3) the additional PS3 elements that are visible just don't appeal to all gamers - this is really about BR.  If you want an HD games console plus a BR player then the PS3 looks good, but if you really aren't interested in BR or are going to hook your 360 up to a SD TV (as many are) then it doesn't matter

4) a lot of gamers aren't interested in quality of build.  Not really.  They'll gripe but they don't care if they get the games they want and online with their friends.


So I see two things.  One, MS does a good job making the 360 appear cheaper than it is, Sony does a poor job (IMHO) making its additional elements seem appealing, or to actively point out the 'true' cost of a 360 vs a PS3 if you want online and want to use WiFi, for example.



Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Pristine20 said:
Omega_Phazon_Pirate. said:
I shall state my answer in my eyes as to why there apparently so much towards the PS3/Sony.
Well, for one, it's people like Leo-j... they just spew out bs (which is mostly/entirely their opinion) of how much better the PS3 is... Don't get me wrong, Nintendo and Microsoft have these kind of fanboys but Sony's seem to be the loudest (but by no means that's Sony's fault, just it's easily to be provoked).

Another one, Sony's arrogance: You can't deny that they were arrogant and cocky entering and still kind of are this generation. I'm kind of sad in one way of Sony's situation, but kind of glad because it knocked them off their way high horse (in terms of cockiness). Now don't get me wrong: the PS3 is an amazing console, so is the Wii, so is the 360, just I'm kind of glad that now Sony knows what it feels like to not be on top.

My 2 cents, and probably will add more if people respond n_n


I see lots of wii titles in your sig. Were you attentive during the nes and snes eras? If so, you'd know that nintendo invented arrogance in the gaming industry and thy got what came to them. It sony's turn this time.

Sony's fanboys may seem loud to you because they are not speaking your opinion. In my opinion, nintendo and M$ fans are much louder. Why do we percieve things differently? Just look at the thread, we mostly respond to those who's views differ from ours not the other way around.


Because I'm talking about this gen and not overall... I could have listed overall but that would require a lot of thinking >.>.  Yes, I did live through the NES/SNES era (and even Atari, but that's another story).  And I never denied Nintendo had arrogance (I don't know where you got that I said other wise), that's how they pretty much screwed them selves with the 3rd party developers for a while there.  But Nintendo has learned (hopefully, from the looks of things), and they have payed the price.  Now it's Sony's turn (like you said).


And as to your second point, I won't deny that fully, but I've seen a lot of threads like this one lately, and that is a fact.  Right now Sony fanboys are the loudest ones in my eyes, I don't see many threads about MS/Nintendo, just about Sony.