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there is something i find alluring about people i have seen it quite worry some.

it happen to britney spears, amy winehouse, lindsey lohan.
they fell from grace and in their times they managed to be the spotlight of everyone else.

but for all of them there was a time they are/were considered "trainwecks", but whats worry some it's some people i seen saying horrible things about other people, things i don't want to repeat, going downplaying them to even wishing them painful death, like they killed your entire family. and keep you alive watching it happen.

i don't know if it's some kind of jealousy or anger, but being a internet person i find it everywhere.

the same thing i seen its going to even companies now, sony was top dog, and completely destroy everything for more than 10 years.
but now fell and people feel to bring it down.
"if they fell kick them"

well britney managed to recover, some say lindsay its getting better not sure about amy.