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Forums - Sony Discussion - Fallout 3 ps3

Blood_Tears said:
The_vagabond7 said:
It's a good game, but it's a bit glitchy...pretty damn glitchy. I've had it completely lock up a couple few times, wierd stuff happens (like a guy in town randomly exploding), and you'd better sign off of the PSN network because it will freeze for 10 seconds if one of your buddies signs on or off...sometimes it will just lock up.

There isn't anything wrong with it graphically, it's just a very buggy game like anything else bethseda makes.


 The latest patch along with the Trophies were said to have fixed the freezing part but i haven't actually tested it out yet.

Yes the patch fixed most of the bugs and it no longer freezes when people sign in. So you can stay signed into the PSN without worries. Also Trophies as you stated.

Im on my 3rd play through now. Trying for a neutral ending as i already finished it with the evil and good endings.


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Congrats leo-j. There is no mandatory install, and I didn't see an option for an install. This game is excellent, and its the best RPG on the PS3, imo. The trophies are pretty easy to get.

It doesn't freeze when people sign in or out however it does freeze/slow down & stutter if you play it for too long.

Great game though.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Fallout 3 = awesome! No install. Trophie patch! And patch for problems!... So works fine. Oh, and did I say the game looks godly and the line of sight is ENORMOUS!


I Played it a little and had only 1Gb available space. I guess it just caching some files from time to time, but 5gb ... it is too much.

Play my LittleBigLove level: search keywords "LittleBigLove realil"

LJ (Russian):

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I just play it - no installs. But I bet its got a cache going - I'm sure Oblivion did. So the minimum HDD is probably a warning it going to use some HDD to cache but not install.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

It has background installs you'll rarely notice except for the occasional load/timer thing from time to time. It's an amazing game, I had a little fun with it when I checked it out now I'm getting it for Christmas, I looked at my install file for it and it's about 1gig now so it's installing just it's installing while you're playing which if there has to be installs I think it's one badass and only way to do it.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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