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Forums - Website Topics - Best Wishes Everyone!

Best wishes for the Holiday's everyone.  Enjoy your new games if you get any!  I'm going to cheat and buy myself some and then get my kids the others I want - I'm sure they'll like them too!.  Sometimes its good to be the parent.

And remember your resolution for 2009, no more arguing about videogame consoles!


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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Thanks, and best of for everyone too!

In a week I'll be enjoying my PS3 ;)

Happy holidays to everyone. To celebrate, everybody take it easy and relax. Unless you have a job, in which case, go to it now and stop lounging around on the internet!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Best Wishes from Montreal, Quebec, Canada! It is snowing here, but I wish it was with you I will go shovel the walk...and the car.. and the drive way..and if it keeps going like this, the roof..


Happy gaming moments without frustrations.
Love to everyone!

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thank you

best wishes to you also

Happy Holidays everyone! In these tough times, I call for a ceasefire among all fanboys. Enjoy the holidays with your families and friends, and OF COURSE, enjoy your freakin video games!

Thanks! Best wishes to everyone too!

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Happy holidays and merry christmas everyone :)
I'm going to be enjoying my games (especially fallout 3), and my new laptop :)

Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, or whatever else you celebrate. May you all get lots of gaming stuff, I know I am