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Forums - Website Topics - Weekly Poll: How would you describe 2008?


How would you describe 2008?

Best Year Ever! 363 19.73%
Meh...just another year. 658 35.76%
It turned out just like I thought it would. 297 16.14%
Can't wait for it to be over. 308 16.74%
I thought it was still 2007. 214 11.63%

Well we're just about to that time of the year.  Christmas is less than a week away and that means New Year's is just around the corner.

So what do you think?  How has this year treated you?  Was it better than you anticipated....or yet another year filled with the ho-hum and doldrums?

This question is for your year in general.  Take it however you like.  It can be about the games you played, how well you scored (or didn't) financially, whether you met the love of your life, or how many parties you crashed.

It doesn't matter, just make sure to share with everyone.

This poll will have to run for two I'm going on vacation to...Nebraska.  Good times.

As always...Happy Voting...and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy (and safe) New Year!

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My year in review: I'm still unemployed, my weight has been in flux between obese and morbidly obese, and my estranged father has seemed more of a stranger than ever... All in all, it was a good year for me...

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!

It was a very good year, as expected! 2009 will even be better!

1) OMGWTFBBQblackpresident?!?1/oneone
2) Loleconomy

"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)



Does anyone know what the "BBQ" acronym means anymore? I think it means " (I'll) be back quickly", but the way people use "OMGWTFBBQ" I don't understand what their intentions are with it, other than to sound like a bunch of poser nubs... Bear in mind, I tend to differentiate between noobs and nubs, noobs being new guys and nubs being older guys who act like new guys. Sort of what you guys would call "trolls", which I believe to be a brutal show of disrespect to self-respecting monstrosities everywhere in mythology (as in "real" trolls)...

Disclaimer: Aatg885 recognizes that it's easier to get shot down while standing on a soapbox, but is willing to take the risk.

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!

Around the Network

BBQ = barbecue !

Schoolwise it was AWESOME!
Gamewise... Only truely liked tree games this year (then again, christmas is in 5 days...)

BBQ also means *expletive deleted* Be Quiet... Which in retrospect means that either that was what he was going for, or he was just trying to be a punk-ass-poser-nub, as I had assumed earlier... Either way, I'm clearly offended...

My Wii Friend Code is: 6458-0869-2019-9754

Also, my 3DS Friend Code is: 1891-1193-6272

And my Pokemon White Friend Code is: 2408-6863-8559

PM me with your corresponding code if you Friend me!

allaboutthegames885 said:
Does anyone know what the "BBQ" acronym means anymore? I think it means " (I'll) be back quickly", but the way people use "OMGWTFBBQ" I don't understand what their intentions are with it, other than to sound like a bunch of poser nubs... Bear in mind, I tend to differentiate between noobs and nubs, noobs being new guys and nubs being older guys who act like new guys. Sort of what you guys would call "trolls", which I believe to be a brutal show of disrespect to self-respecting monstrosities everywhere in mythology (as in "real" trolls)...

Disclaimer: Aatg885 recognizes that it's easier to get shot down while standing on a soapbox, but is willing to take the risk.



Newbs = new people

noobs = people who act stupid but are not new

nubs is a "corruption of" one of the two, (like lulz is a corruption of L O L (lolfox))

"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)


