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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Lost Odyssey or Prince of Persia

All right that's probably true, I'm just saying that if he has to choose then Gears is the way to go, no questions asked. Especially if you have someone to play co-op with.

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If you got both, then get Gears for sure. Kickass game.

Prince of Persia
I don't like Lost Odyssey

I like Lost Odyssey a lot, beautiful game. I got Prince of Persia for my brother (he's a big fan). While he played it, I asked him to try and die, and every time he tried the girl saved him. So it being too easy seems very accurate. If you're a fan of the series go for it, but I'll definitely suggest Lost Odyssey over it.

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

Lost Odyssey. Masterpiece.

Even if Prince of Persia has been created in my city (Ubisoft Montreal), I suggest Lost Odyssey.
Montreal for the win!!


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I ended up buying six games:

Prince of Persia (I hate it, it's almost as repetitive as AC. Ubisoft is slipping)
Gears 2
Tales of Vesperia
Lost Odyssey
Ninja Gaiden II
Little Big Planet (PS3 needed some love, too)

I'll end up getting my money back for PoP and getting a MP3 player or something.