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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Brand New Game play Pic for FFXIII


this picture is for the PS3 version,,,360 port version hasn't even started yet.(it will start around the time PS3 FFXIII launches in Japan,,,holiday 09 probably)

until we see the 360 screen shots(in a year and half probably),it will be :

the CELL has CGI quality graphics confirmed?





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spiyde said:
SpartanFX said:

^^^the CELL has CGI quality graphics confirmed? XD



xbox360 has cell too confirmed!?


it's not even running on the 360 yet =).

I really hope this game doesn't suck, but given how I've felt about most of the recent FF games, I most likely won't like XIII either. Although a battle system similar to X-2 would be great. The battle system was the only thing I like about that travesty of a game.

SpartanFX said:

this picture is for the PS3 version,,,360 port version hasn't even started yet.(it will start around the time PS3 FFXIII launches in Japan,,,holiday 09 probably)

until we see the 360 screen shots(in a year and half probably),it will be :

the CELL has CGI quality graphics confirmed?



I know. It was just a joke :)

Oh wow, i love the setting, the graphics look mightily impressive

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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thats nothing compared to that GOD

Hmmmm... I still worry about it being too flashy and shallow. I really hope I'm wrong.

routsounmanman said:
Hmmmm... I still worry about it being too flashy and shallow. I really hope I'm wrong.

I can't wait for the inevitable import ACC blu ray with the demo.


I also wouldn't be surprised if Square put the English demo on the PS3 version of The Last Remnant. That'd get a few people to buy the game.

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