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hanafuda said:
Dodece said:
First I would say this the development costs for the high definition platforms are not the same. During 2007 I read an insightful article where the development costs were sighted. Mind you these are for for high end games. Not your run of the mill shovel ware. The development costs for the Wii were sixty percent of the 360, and the 360 was sixty percent the development costs of the PS3. Do not treat all platforms as if they were the same. Further more the 360 shares a lot of common architecture with the PC. So that always permits porting, or dual launch.

These studios ate terrible losses by developing exclusively for the PS3. Not necessarily, because they developed for HD. Had those titles been exclusive to the 360 they may not have sold any better, but the developers would have lost less, and they would have had an option to port the games to the PC. That might not seem like much, but it may have given these studios at least one more chance, before they ran out of money.

Secondly as others have said this will effect PS3 exclusive development, and it should. Perhaps Sony needs to take this into account. Provide more effective middle ware, reduce the licensing fees, or provide greater technical assistance with physical assets. Sending staff to developers to help them with game development. All as a means to reduce development costs. A developer having to sell over half a million copies is unsustainable. Yes the credit crunch did not help, but it was made worse by poor performance making them less promising for venture capitalists.

Thirdly Factor 5 was over acclaimed as a developer. Yes the games were fun, but they were also hardly ground breaking. Anyone who had to wage a war with auto orientation in the Rogue Squadron series knows that as space shooters go it is less then authentic. You could not fly arbitrary to orientation. Ever try to bomb a star destroyers shield generator on the undercarriage with a Y Wing. Yes it was all sorts of fun to watch bombs fly upwards. After all everyone knows that space has both an up and down.


Other than your opinion of their games. you don't have any idea what you are talking about.

Then please enlighten us as to why he doesn't know what he's talking about. Saying he doesn't and actually showing people why he doesn't are two different things.


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frybread said:

Wow, right after Free Radical!  Quick, can anyone tell me what these two studio's last games had in common?

Both games were shit.  Shit reviews, and sold like Shit.

I just read the thread:

Are we really trying to blame this on the PS3? Both games were crap. Instead of developing on another platform, what about developing a quality game? There are exclusive quality PS3 games that do extremely well. I'm not going to list, because it's not a point.

Haze and Lair were crap. And would have been crap on either system. Lair after the analog patch still had repetitive crappy missions, and Haze was full of failure, and was a multi-platform game.

The people insinuating that, fail.

Haze multiplatform? You alright there buddy?

They would have been just as mediocre on other systems (they got middling reviews, not low ones), but they wouldn't have cost as much. Heck, they might have actually gotten more polish without having to eat up resources.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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Chrizum said:
Haze multiplatform? You alright there buddy?

I mean, it wasn't multi-plat, but it was supposed to be.

It was only supposed to be a timed-PS3 exclusive

It was first announced as a PS360PC game.

I hope that isn't true. I liked Lair and the bad reviews weren't fair. Low sales just show how gamers are manipulated by media.

If this is true I'm so damn pissed off it isn't even funny, Factor 5 is an amazing developer with some damn good artists in their ranks and know how to get the most out of the machine they develop on, I really hope it isn't true but man its a shame, a damn shame... also about Free Radical, if they've closed up too then who the hell is doing Star Wars Battlefront 3 on the Wii now? They were confirmed as the developer...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Great news for even greater people. Lets see which platform really dies first. -Member of pc elite squad

jedson328 said:
frybread said:
Each studio's final game was a PS3 exclusive.

I dont care what you are implying, the quality of the final product had no relation to it being a PS3 exclusive.  Those games were awful, and would have done poorly on all 3 consoles.



 not true, there is a small chance they all could of sold well on the Wii. Reason I say that is because there is alot of garbage that seems to sell well on Wii. I cannot belive MP3 has such low sales compared to some of the crap above it.