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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2 co-op question

Ok so when I was in the beta for resistance the main thing i loved was the co-op splitscreen online. However was disapointed to find out that the second player loses all levels after quiting the game. Was there a patch or is there going to be a patch to allow the second player to level up and actually retain them? Getting the game soon, and well....its not gonna matter wither they have it or not,  it's just something in my mind that doesn't make sense and is reasonably easy to do. Would make the game so much better.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

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It's still "your name (2)" that appears as their name and they don't level up (well, they do during the game played, but they don't retain it).

Don't know about a patch, but they should make one, because it's no fun if someone teams up and loses all XP he gained.

thats exactly why. I usually play games with my dad. He is somewhat of a gamer too. He loves co=op games and thats the only thing he really plays. It's stupid to have someone go through the work to lose it next time they come on.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Well, let's hope insomniac is listening ;)

Or maybe they hope you'll buy a second PS3? :p

papflesje said:
Well, let's hope insomniac is listening ;)

Or maybe they hope you'll buy a second PS3? :p


We might actually buy a second one. My parents want a bluray player and i refuse to let her take my ps3 out of my room for rockband anymore. Hell I wouldn't mind, and considering ps3 updates the player itself i wouldn't recomend anything else.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Around the Network

Problem solved then :p

i don't want to buy another game though lol

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

make daddy do that >_>

I think this is a PS3 problem, not necessarily a R2 problem. I don't think that the PS3 can allow 2 PSN accounts online at the same time on 1 PS3.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



They don't need to make it a Sepperate psn name, all they need to do is make player characters that are tied to a PSN ID. Look at dark kingdom. While not really a great game you can have a million characters on one account.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2