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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - DS game of the year, IGN

FF4 is the GOTY followed by Chrono Trigger. Kirby is real good too. I never played TWEWY but I heard it is amazing. Some people like that Advanced Wars stuff or PLATCV.


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Oh right FF4 came out this year, didn't it.

FF4 is the king of my heart....!

wfz said:
Baddman said:
man i must be the only one who thought this game sucked


If you pretend that the post right above yours doesn't exist, then you are correct.

lol i didn't see your post  lol well i'm not alone anymore


wfz said:
I got this game, after all my friends told me how amazing it was, and I still haven't gotten passed day 3 or 4 (I forgot which I was on).

It just doesn't interest me at all so far. Does it change radically later on?


 It change a lot, belive me, you are just in the begining, maybe (15%-20%), And is more awesome when you discover the whole story. Jult like you, when i was in the 6 or 7th day i though than it was almost the end, but, like i said, its jus the begining.

@ buddman: well, not all the game are for all the people. For me it was a great game, great music, desing, gameplay (2 screen battle are awesome), and the story it was something new and well written.

After TWEWY, i would say than my second game was castlevania.

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

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