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Forums - Sony Discussion - Do some people really still think that Little Big Planet didnt sell well?

Bboid said:
Neoraf said:


LBP and R2 don't have stronger boost sales than Fable2 and Gears2 right now.
Look at the data:

GAME: (NA Last week) - (NA This week) [ % boost ] (TOTAL NA SALES)

  • LBP: (44k) - (61k) [ 28 % ] (0,58m)
  • R2: (39k) - (53k) [ 26 % ] (0,50m)
  • Gears 2: (119k) - (158k) [ 33 % ] (2,27m)
  • Fable 2: (45k) - (68k) [ 34 % ] (1,25m)

Hell, even these games have a stronger Holiday boost than the flagship PS3 games:
(Note that these two games have smaller overall sales than LBP and R2)

  • Lips: (42k) - (68k) [ 38 % ] (0,17m)
  • Banjo-Kazooie N&B: (38k) - (57k) [ 33 % ] (0.24m)

(All these games released in the same period)



when you factor tie ratios (which is what i meant in that post) they are doing considerably worse.



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You'll notice his numbers for % boost for ps3 titles are incorrect. You will also notice that every game has a boost that falls in the same range.  Confirmed holiday boost.

Lol... lbp is selling better than most expectations

If this game was made by a 3rd party then you can say it did very well for a new IP. However Sony put so much resources and marketing into it and alot of people on this site made it out to be THE game that will sell PS3 this year. From that perspective, it bombed. Gears of War was a new IP that sold millions in the launch year of the 360. There is absolutely no reason why LBP should sell any less without being bundled.

Lol.... lbp is selling worse them most expectations

It was hyped beyond belief... A ton of advertisements... Got AAA ratings... It is a partially bundled game and its not even in the top 20 in global sales last week.

I am sorry but I am not impressed...

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Spiteful49 said:

Lol.... lbp is selling worse them most expectations

It was hyped beyond belief... A ton of advertisements... Got AAA ratings... It is a partially bundled game and its not even in the top 20 in global sales last week.

I am sorry but I am not impressed...


 whole shit load of people said less than a million. How everyone forgets that is beyond me. (twesterm and sqrl undying to name a few) with the most reasonable perdictions of people saying 2-3 million and only some outrageous 4mil+ claims.

Along with Sony's own expectactions of less than 2.5 million.

"but but but but hype!!!!!"

hype is such a bullshit cop out. since when has hype been a sales measurement. everyone said it would be a great game AND IT WAS!

Hell, twesterm didn't expect LBP to sell more than 1.25mil at the end of the year. Him and MANY MANY MANY MANY people after the first 2 weeks of sales said "oh where are the legs" "i said this game would drop off chats fast"

Spiteful49 said:

Lol.... lbp is selling worse them most expectations

It was hyped beyond belief... A ton of advertisements... Got AAA ratings... It is a partially bundled game and its not even in the top 20 in global sales last week.

I am sorry but I am not impressed...


Max King of the Wild, stop humiliating yourself...
It's embarassing.


My Gaming Setup

I regret ever posting in this thread and possibly perpetuating it on for mega fanboys to jump on.  Holiday boosts all around FTW!

Garcian Smith said: Anyway, I'm estimating under 100k first week worldwide, and maybe 500k lifetime.

twesterm said: Also, I don't think the game will actually bomb like say Zack and Wiki did. It will probably sell something in the area of 600k copies and eventually develop into a small ittle niche community. Sadly with the advertising and time spent on this game, 600k copies won't make them any money.

Undying said: We all know the game will most likly be great, but as history has taught us great=/= great sales.

Is there even a market for LBP? Will the game be a run away sucess? Lets take off our fanboy hats and really think about it.

I don't see this game doing very well. Who is the demographic for this game? Kids? Adults? Casual gamers? Hardcore gamers? Are there enough of that demographic on the PS3? Something just tells me that this game will not do well.

First week sales 100k

Life time 300k

Is 300k a flop for this game?

for neoraf to show i wasnt embarrassing myself

Ah, meh, I'm bad at the whole sales thing anyways. Though I will say this-- I probably actually meant for 2008 (or shortly after it came out or Christmas). I'd still be willing to bet it won't break a million this year and that means it still probably won't make money.

Lol i wish I felt like going back and owning you some more neoraf but i think my point is proven