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Garcian Smith said: Anyway, I'm estimating under 100k first week worldwide, and maybe 500k lifetime.

twesterm said: Also, I don't think the game will actually bomb like say Zack and Wiki did. It will probably sell something in the area of 600k copies and eventually develop into a small ittle niche community. Sadly with the advertising and time spent on this game, 600k copies won't make them any money.

Undying said: We all know the game will most likly be great, but as history has taught us great=/= great sales.

Is there even a market for LBP? Will the game be a run away sucess? Lets take off our fanboy hats and really think about it.

I don't see this game doing very well. Who is the demographic for this game? Kids? Adults? Casual gamers? Hardcore gamers? Are there enough of that demographic on the PS3? Something just tells me that this game will not do well.

First week sales 100k

Life time 300k

Is 300k a flop for this game?

for neoraf to show i wasnt embarrassing myself