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Forums - Sony Discussion - PSP: 24 million sellers, 53 500k+ ...

PSP does sell software to some extent, but compared to the DS sells a little because PIRACY (especially outside of Japan) eats away most of the sales. And that's where the problem lies, it's real shame cause i really like PSP as a platform and really like it's games but 3rd parties (apart from SE) heavily invest in the DS because it makes them more cash. PSP could well be around for long time (because its a really impressive piece of hardware) if not the problems with piracy and lack of upcoming releases.

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And extremely many games are undertracked by VGC... so there are probably more ;)
The idea that the PSP cant sell software is a myth, and luckily developers like SE or EA proved it to us ;)

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axumblade said:
Lolcislaw said:
PSP does sell software to some extent, but compared to the DS sells a little because PIRACY (especially outside of Japan) eats away most of the sales. And that's where the problem lies, it's real shame cause i really like PSP as a platform and really like it's games but 3rd parties (apart from SE) heavily invest in the DS because it makes them more cash. PSP could well be around for long time (because its a really impressive piece of hardware) if not the problems with piracy and lack of upcoming releases.

PSP already has an impressive lineup over the next year. I just hope that they actually space them out and that they didn't revea; their full year lineup over the last 6 months.

Personally, I'm looking forward to Patapon 2, LocoRoco 2, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, Dissidia, Resistance Retribution, and there's a few other pretty cool titles coming out. Some of which are new IPs so I can't remember names.

But I'm just hoping there is something done about the piracy issue.

Sony will get to it...

...right after Apple gets to making it so pirated MP3s can't be played on their ipods.  (They could do it... for really cheap.  However studies have suggested Ipod sales would drop 66%.)

not bad in its LTD i think 50 million seller

Well its pretty good,coz 6 of my 9 friends who has PSP has hacked it.
I had modded PSP as well,but then I broke it,and then bought PSP slim and games from shop.



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