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Forums - Sales Discussion - Could FFXIII break 1 million first week in Japan?

Anyone think Versus could break a million first week? Once again I think a big fat YES, it's not a flag ship game but it's completely different from FFXIII so cant be considered a spin-off.


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the most franchise I have a respect for in the PSone, PS2 and for the PS3 and yes no doubt 1 Million no no no doubt first week this is the lowest expectations I can think of.

So, how many consoles does everyone think this can move for the PS3 in the games launch week?

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Euphoria14 said:
So, how many consoles does everyone think this can move for the PS3 in the games launch week?


A lot.  Over 100k would be my preliminary guess but I'll wait for the announcement of bundles.  It's also arguable that most have already bought the PS3 in anticipation of Final Fantasy but I think there are a lot waiting considering price will be lower.  So somewhere between 100k-200k would be my initial thought.  Might be PS3's biggest week.

A LOT, double what MGS 4 done. Dont think Versus will be s system sell as FFXIII will have released by then but another million first week seller me feels.


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more than 1 million...1,4 i think

RPG said:
Anyone think Versus could break a million first week? Once again I think a big fat YES, it's not a flag ship game but it's completely different from FFXIII so cant be considered a spin-off.


Without a doubt yes, because FFversusXIII is nearly the equivalent of a FFXIV.

@ Zucas


The PS3 could be at 4 million at the end of next year, or at least 3.5, so sell through of 1.5 of this game isn't far-fetched. I'd probably predict 1.5 - 2 lifetime, but a first week of 1.5 - ish.

PS3 will easily be over 100k, but if it's bundled, to the tune of 50k or more, I'd say 200k - ish is possible.

Of course it will. Final Fantasy series is huge in Japan. The sales in Japan will be very close to the sales in America.


i say that a third of the PS3 user will buy FF13 at the first week, so about 1.3 mil(assuming that the # of PS3 is 4 mil at launch)