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Forums - Sales Discussion - Could FFXIII break 1 million first week in Japan?

The game is exclusive to PS3 in Japan so with that said currently according to Media create PS3 sales are at 2,537,339 LTD. The game is set to release in late 2009 in Japan and by then games such as WKC, Yakuza 3, SF4, RE5 will all have released on the PS3 in Japan causing bumps in console sales.

MGS4 currently is the best selling PS3 game in Japan with first week sales of 480,695.

Taking all that into announct, do you think FFXIII will sell 1 million first week in Japan? By prediction is a big fat YES, this is a flagship FF title after all. MGS4 has a much lower appeal then FF games outside hardcore gamers so MGS4 had good numbers, dont see what FFXIII cant double that especially since it relases over a year later.


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Yes, that should be the minimum for a title of that caliber, even if it's on PS3 in Japan.

Yeah I think so too, even if the game comes on 360 in Japan I dont think it will make a huge difference though. The PS3 will set several boosts before the game releases anyway, all those software's I mentioned and maybe even a price drop, it is more then possible to see some kind of price drop a year from now.


1,4 million first week at least; FF is still HUGE in Japan.

I'd be worried if it didn't...

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Yes, it will be out in about a year, and the PS3 should be well above 3m by then.

oh WOW all the previous FF games have had huge first weeks in Japan, there is absolutely no way this one wont break a million first week.


Yes should be very front loaded. About 1-1.5 million first week and then we'll see it fall to below 6 digits in teh second. But yes should be able to do it.

Yeah I noticed that, all FF games are really front loaded in Japan. 2 million first week and 190K second week. :/


yes FF fans in japan are desperately needing an original FF game (not spin off not remakes) after the rather disappointing ff12