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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - [Wii] Fragile - New Screens of beeg amerikan teetees

VivaLaWiida said:
Looks great so far, but the battle system is horrible!


Did you already play it?


Btw,i think i care about story much more that battle system in this game. :)

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I feel the game needs more polish. Perhaps it's just me, but I don't think this game looks that beautiful. Sure, the art is pretty cool, but it doesn't look technically great. It can use a little more polish, and I'm sure the Wii and Namco can do that.

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Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

I think this game won't dowell at alll in Japan. I hope that doesnt discourage them from bringing it here, the game looks intriguing.

I like the art style. Maybe not the most technically awesome game, but it has a good mood to it.


There was a gameplay video. Either battle system or someone, who played it, were lame. I hope the last one.

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Anyone have an idea of why the chick is just floating there? Is she ghost? Does she have helium filled breast implants? What is the deal?

@Darc Requiem

Yes, she's ghost, there're couple of others in storyline.

BTW look at 5th screenshot from the top - that's P.F. on the back, his kinda AI friend, like Clank from R&C^_^