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Forums - Sony Discussion - In Sonys eyes what was best case scenario?

Don't post post "another sony is dooomed threads" because this isn't and you need new material.


Its 2 years on and the PS3 is not profitable, lets forget about the economy and the recession because I doubt 2 years ago Sony realised this was coming and would hit the PS3 hard. The losses Sony have built up from the PS3 are in the billions, thats with PS2 and PSP being profitable. So was sony expecting the PS3 to come out the gate and sell like the PS2? If it did would it not have caused even more losses?


I'm pretty sure I heard there was a bottleneck or whatever the phrase was on PS3 production meaning they can only get a certain amount out not because they can't make them fast enough but because they cant afford to make that many, I might be completly wrong on that but I heard it mentioned in an interview and on VGChartz.

The good news is maybe Sony didn't expect the PS3 to sell like the PS2 when it first came out, maybe they planned to get it down to a mass market price before it started selling like the PS2. I think the hitch in Sony's plans is the Wii though .. and to some extent the 360, I don't think they expected the Wii to be such a hit and for Microsoft to be so fierce this time around and for both its competitors consoles to be at a mass market price years before they could reach it.


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PS2 owners massively shift to PS3 creating the anaylists' expected PS3 sales overdrive.






So was Sony expecting the PS3 to come out the gate and sell like the PS2? Sony + world expected that. Sony + world was wrong.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

Best case scenario for Sony?

Going the Sega way.
Better to keep SCE alive than to go bankrupt.

History repeats itself.


My Gaming Setup

haxxiy said:

PS2 owners massively shift to PS3 creating the anaylists' expected PS3 sales overdrive.


Oh yeaaah ? Who ? Where ?

I'm a PS2 owners who "massively" (...) turned to the 360....psssh


More seriously, I am not sure Sony knew they would have to market the PS3 with such a high price... for me that is where they failed. Well, at least, they lost me there.


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

Around the Network

Sony should not worry about what place they come in for this generation.  They should definitely not sacrifice future profits so they can gain market share.  They need to bundle in games and Blu ray movies to give the system value without raising the price.

They are losing the PS2 install base to the 360 because there is no reason to upgrade from the PS2 to PS3.  Bring back BC so they can convert those PS2 owners.  Being able to play your PS2 collection in upscaled HD is something the 360 can never do.

Release GT5 asap as that is a system seller.  Seems odd that none of the flagship series have been released in the first 2 years of the PS3.

well all sony need to do is bring the best games on itss ssystem. 2009 releases look very good the meantime all sony need to do is bring manufacturing costs down and when they do the ps3 will start selling much more than it has in 2008

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Skeeuk said:
well all sony need to do is bring the best games on itss ssystem. 2009 releases look very good the meantime all sony need to do is bring manufacturing costs down and when they do the ps3 will start selling much more than it has in 2008


I expected more spin from you, tsk 3/10


Sardauk said:
haxxiy said:

PS2 owners massively shift to PS3 creating the anaylists' expected PS3 sales overdrive.


Oh yeaaah ? Who ? Where ?

I'm a PS2 owners who "massively" (...) turned to the 360....psssh


More seriously, I am not sure Sony knew they would have to market the PS3 with such a high price... for me that is where they failed. Well, at least, they lost me there.



Did you noticed I said what would be the best case to Sony? Yes, I guess not. 

It does not matter if is pretty possible/likely or far-fetched. That's what Sony is expecting yto happen, that's why they're not even trying.






Best case from now? The can renegotiate their suppliers to lower prices and they release a string of hit after hit. Thats pretty much their best case. Unfortunately WKC looks like it might just flop, so bad start.
