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Don't post post "another sony is dooomed threads" because this isn't and you need new material.


Its 2 years on and the PS3 is not profitable, lets forget about the economy and the recession because I doubt 2 years ago Sony realised this was coming and would hit the PS3 hard. The losses Sony have built up from the PS3 are in the billions, thats with PS2 and PSP being profitable. So was sony expecting the PS3 to come out the gate and sell like the PS2? If it did would it not have caused even more losses?


I'm pretty sure I heard there was a bottleneck or whatever the phrase was on PS3 production meaning they can only get a certain amount out not because they can't make them fast enough but because they cant afford to make that many, I might be completly wrong on that but I heard it mentioned in an interview and on VGChartz.

The good news is maybe Sony didn't expect the PS3 to sell like the PS2 when it first came out, maybe they planned to get it down to a mass market price before it started selling like the PS2. I think the hitch in Sony's plans is the Wii though .. and to some extent the 360, I don't think they expected the Wii to be such a hit and for Microsoft to be so fierce this time around and for both its competitors consoles to be at a mass market price years before they could reach it.