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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Games on smash 2008 "Game of the Year" award goes to ...

Apparently there was a clear determination of winner and the group here, heartily endorses it as fair and correct. Which may explain why the gaming press is making itself more and more irrelevant , and the hardcore gaming demographic finds itself looking on in fearful disbelief at a game market that it can neither explain or approve.

I personally disagree with several of the awards, but that’s opinion. But if these awards are supposed to have been in any way fair and representative; then how is it that Mario Kart Wii didn’t even rate a nomination in racing  games (and it said GAME not simulation), when it had a Metacritic  score  better than one and equal to another of the nominees and sold over 3 times more copies than all four of the nominated games including both platforms COMBINED.





Total Sales

Mario Kart Wii






82  (81/83)


Burnout  Paradise


87.5 (87/88)






Motor Storm








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damn, someone really showed the love for the ps3 in these awards xD

Well these awards are just these guys' opinions, so they can choose whatever they want. They're "hardcore" gamers, so it's obvious they wouldn't put Wii Fit, or hell, even MKWii on the mention list for game of the year.

Actually I still am surprised that they didn't at least mention SSBB for game of the year nominee.

Personally for me, the game of the year would be SSBB, but it's pretty damn obvious that the real game of the year is Wii Fit. People are going crazy over that game.

EDIT: WTF MKWii is outselling Wii Fit by 2k this week? My god that game also has incredible legs.

I don't know which is game of the year anymore, but I'll bet that Wii Fit outlasts MKWii in the long run.

Games on smash? isn't that a pron site or somethnig?

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

It's sad really. Award nominations, at least almost always have some objective basis in fact. It can be critical score, it may be popularity as shown by sales or attach rate. But apparently if a Wii game meets every possible criteria, they take the low road and just ignore it.

It’s fair in a way since it’s apparent that a huge contingent of the game consumers are ignoring them. The difference is they can play their little spiteful games, and look down their noses at the kiddies and grannies but when their little world goes belly up, as it will if they don’t make themselves relevant, the K&G’s won’t even notice they are gone.

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Pro-Sony BS. I strongly disagree with their awards. Gears of War 2 is clearly a better game than MGS 4.

Resistance 2 better multi-player than Gears of War 2? No way. Gears of War 2 is better than Resistance 2.

Fable 2 deserved best RPG game of the year. Fallout 3 was a boring game - IMO.

Gears of War 2 has better graphics than MGS 4. MGS 4 70% cut scenes and only 30% game.

^^have you played burnout paradise?if you have you would know why it won the award ,,,especially when you consider the free updates the dev adds to the game constantly (which are huge DLCs for free)




No wii games at all. WTF, Mirrors Edge for platformer?

Lets not forget SW Force Un as a nominee for best Action game, not according to many reviewers

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

Wii Fit GOTY? Fail. Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Mario Kart Wii were a lot better. Sales must be the only measure of Wii Fit.

Wow. So they completely ignored the entire DS lineup in favor of the only four good games released on PSP this year. That sounds...logical. It's not like the DS may have had it's best year ever this year or anything.

To anyone wondering about the site's integrity, don't bother. Just look over the news articles and you'll see where the allegiances lie. It's nothing short of a Sony fan-page. If you archive back in July, they didn't even write news that wasn't affiliated with Sony outside of two quick blogs posts chronicling RROD and Microsoft's lack of original ideas. The Wii and DS are never mentioned on this site at all, but the PSP gets considerable news coverage there. Frankly I don't know why they bothered to put up any nominees that weren't on PS3 or PSP. It's obvious that's all anyone on that site owns or plays. Good biased location to pull an end of the year awards list from Spartan.

If you need any direct proof, then look at them reviewing Fable II a 9.9 but it doesn't make the Game of the Year list and can't win RPG of the Year over Fallout 3, which only scored an 8.5. If I were running that site, I would have just had multiplats win the Wii and 360 categories so I could make it an even sweep across the board for PS3 games. I'm not surprised at the crowd on this site that has gravitated towards liking this list. Just the usual suspects.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.